The Butcher's Letter

Sinufae's Intervention In the Fourth Utterance

On the nether side
of the caliginous deep
Abaft those weary riven eyes
In the steely maw
of the black moss collectors
Where a life may cease, yet never dies
Braid the veins
and mull the meat
Until the seven, they arrive
Then ley your head
upon my bones
And in that moment hope revive
Though alone
And wracked with rue
The sweetest Sinufae remembers you...
Tell them using
My ancient words
Of the Eyes that Shine so deep
For down beneath
The blackened waves
An open door still yet remains
And through it leads
All lines of faith
For you commune with the dead
And when you wake
From timeless sleep
You will stand upon the Mother's head
  This missive was delivered by what is believed to have been an avatar of Sinufae, and possibly the last remaining halfling, twisted and changed as he was. This halfling was well known to the fringe settlement of Abattoir under the moniker, "The Butcher." He was tracked down to a ruined location colloquially called "The Butcher's Block" and it was there the group following the path of the Fourth Utterance discovered and unveiled the avatar, and were in turn given these words, written in ancient halfling.   The Butcher


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