The Vault of House Grainst

The Vault itself is a marvel of engineering. It is a modular structure consisting of countless rooms and chambers that move about in every direction according to which is needed to be accessed at the time. Due to the nature and magnitude of the business dealings that are done here, it is built in such a way that multiple clerks can access what they need at a time, so the sounds of pulleys and wheels can be heard quietly shifting things around behind the thick stone walls. The access panels are a code based system that is both complex and arbitrary to the individual, meaning that each clerk only has access to the accounts that they are assigned to and no others. Besides the armed guard security, the vault itself is an ever shifting maze that can only be opened from the outside. Inside it is airless and pitch black. Each chamber is also rigged with a unique security device as a last line of defense for the contents. The dwarves pride themselves on the unique and lethal qualities of these devices, and are constantly attempting to out-do one another by upgrading, changing, and otherwise improving on the devices that guard their wealth. No one has ever successfully stolen from or robbed this vault, though attempts have been made. It is not uncommon to find a body in one of the vault chambers as yet another would be rogue dies attempting to make themselves famous by robbing the vault of House Grainst.
Room, Security, Vault


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