
The Wisp is merely a leftover fragment of a soul either so old it has diminished, so young it has not had time to form completely, or so damaged that nothing of its former self remains. These tend to be almost playful, and while they are, in almost all cases unable to communicate, they will often lead the Spiritualist to something that they find interesting or are curious about. These spirits are general benevolent and harmless, though their lack of full cognizance means that the things they are curious about are not always safe or harmless in nature.

Basic Information


The Wisp, a fragmented remnant of a soul, is a mysterious and ethereal entity with a unique anatomy and morphology. Its appearance varies, reflecting the fragmented and incomplete nature of its existence. Within the Realm of the Living, the Wisp appears as a faint, flickering light, often taking the shape of a small orb or a wispy, floating trail of luminescence. Its size can range from a mere speck to a palm-sized manifestation, emitting a gentle glow in various shades of pale colors, such as soft blue, radiant white, or muted green, however, within the Spirit Realm, its true form is far more apparent, usually resulting in a twisting, amorphous mass of mist of fog with half formed features of the creature it was in life shifting in and out of tangible form. Its form is ephemeral and intangible, with an insubstantial nature that makes it seem weightless and delicate, akin to a gentle breeze or a whisper in the air. Extending from its core, the Wisp may emit wispy trails or tendrils that undulate and sway in an otherworldly manner. These trails flow behind it, leaving a faint trace of its passage through the spirit realm. The remnant maintains a soft, odd glow on either realm as well, though the hue and tone can vary. The Wisp's luminosity is not constant, but instead flickers and pulsates rhythmically, often shifting to reflect its mood.   As the Wisp moves, its form shifts and fluctuates, subtly altering its shape and pattern. It may elongate, contract, or split into smaller wisps before recombining back into its original form, hinting at its fragmented nature and ever-changing essence, and while the Wisp is in motion, soft whispers and faint chimes seem to emanate from its ethereal form. These delicate sounds are barely audible, like distant echoes, and often indiscernible in passing.

Ecology and Habitats

The Wisp, being a fragment of a soul and an ethereal entity, possesses a fascinating ecology and habitat that spans both the Spirit Realm and the Realm of the Living. Its presence and role within these realms are interconnected, allowing it to traverse between them and fulfill its unique ecological niche.   Spirit Realm Habitat: The Wisp primarily dwells within the Spirit Realm, a plane that exists alongside the mortal world but remains invisible to most. In this ethereal realm, the Wisp finds solace amidst the swirling mists and luminescent energies that permeate the spiritual landscape. It flits through ethereal meadows, ancient forests of spectral trees, and vast expanses of starlit skies.   Spiritual Conduits: Within the Spirit Realm, the Wisp is drawn to areas where spiritual energies converge or flow with particular intensity. These locations, known as spiritual conduits, include sacred sites, ancient ruins, ley lines, or places of deep emotional resonance. It often takes up residence near these sites, drawn to their heightened spiritual energies.   Realm of the Living Visitation: Although primarily existing in the Spirit Realm, the Wisp can temporarily manifest within the Realm of the Living, crossing the barrier between the realms. It is often found in places where the veil between the two realms is thin, such as mystical groves, haunted locales, or areas of intense spiritual significance.   Natural Balance: The Wisp, despite its fragmented nature, serves an important role in the ecological balance of the Spirit Realm. It acts as a catalyst for spiritual energies, facilitating the ebb and flow of ethereal forces. Its presence contributes to the harmony and vitality of the realm, serving as a delicate link between the mortal world and the realm of spirits.   Interactions with Living Beings: The Wisp, while typically unseen by most, occasionally interacts with living beings who possess heightened spiritual sensitivity or are attuned to the supernatural. It may manifest itself to spiritualists, mentalists, or occasionally to individuals seeking guidance or solace, leading them to places of significance or providing subtle spiritual insights.   Realm Crossing Guardians: Wisps, with their curiosity and playful nature, often act as guardians or guides for souls transitioning between the realms of the living and the afterlife. They escort departing souls, lending comfort and illumination during the transitional journey, until they find their rightful place in the Spirit Realm.   Harmonizing Energies: In both realms, the Wisp radiates a gentle, soothing energy that harmonizes with its surroundings. It imbues a sense of tranquility and connection to the spiritual fabric of the universe, encouraging introspection, contemplation, and a deeper understanding of the interplay between the mortal and ethereal realms.


The Wisps are intriguing, as their fragmented nature limits their intellectual capabilities to simple and low functioning levels. Despite their limitations, Wisps exhibit unique behavioral patterns and possess a subtle psychology influenced by their ethereal existence. They are inherently curious beings, driven by an innate sense of wonder and fascination. Their fragmented nature grants them a childlike and playful demeanor, often flitting about in a whimsical manner. They are drawn to interesting objects, intriguing phenomena, and places of significance, leading them to explore and investigate their surroundings. They have also been shown to possess a mischievous streak, deriving pleasure from teasing and luring others into captivating or potentially dangerous situations. While their intentions are generally benign, their lack of full cognizance may cause them to be unaware of potential risks or harm that their curiosity may lead to.   The Wisp, despite its diminished intellect, has an uncanny ability to reflect and mirror the emotions of those around it. It responds to the emotional atmosphere, amplifying joy, sorrow, fear, or tranquility with subtle changes in its glow, movements, and energetic pulses. This empathic quality often elicits emotional connections with individuals who encounter them. In their simplified understanding, Wisps occasionally adopt a guiding role, leading spiritualists or individuals of spiritual sensitivity toward objects, locations, or experiences that pique their curiosity. While they lack the capacity for explicit communication, they communicate through their presence, movements, and the intuitive connection they establish with those they guide. Though limited in their intellectual capabilities, Wisps exhibit a form of non-verbal communication. They convey their intentions, emotions, and warnings through their glow, movement patterns, and the ethereal whispers that emanate from their presence. Perceptive individuals may develop an intuitive understanding of the Wisps' intentions and messages.   Wisps possess an inherent sensitivity to spiritual energies, enabling them to discern the essence and aura of beings and objects. They are instinctively drawn to areas where spiritual energies are concentrated or fluctuating, indicating their ability to perceive the spiritual fabric of the world around them, and despite their playful nature, Wisps demonstrate an inherent respect for the natural order of life and death. They recognize the transitional nature of their existence and, at times, act as guides for departing souls, offering gentle solace and illumination during the journey to the afterlife.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Wisp, with its spectral nature, possesses unique perception and sensory capabilities that allow it to navigate the spiritual realm and interact with its surroundings in intriguing ways. While it lacks traditional physical senses, it compensates with extraordinary extrasensory perceptions, enabling it to sense and interact with the energies and essences around it.    
  • Spiritual Sensitivity: The Wisp possesses an innate sensitivity to the spiritual energies that permeate the realm it inhabits. It can detect the presence of other entities, both benevolent and malevolent, as well as sense fluctuations in the spiritual fabric of its environment.
  • Ethereal Sight: Although the Wisp lacks physical eyes, it sees through a form of ethereal sight. It perceives the spiritual realm and the living world through a combination of energy patterns, auras, and the vibrational resonance of beings and objects. This allows it to discern the spiritual essence of things that may be invisible to mortal eyes.
  • Emotional Resonance: The Wisp can pick up on emotional energies and resonances, attuned to the emotional states of those around it. It senses the fluctuations of joy, sorrow, fear, and other emotions, which may manifest as subtle changes in its glow, color, or movements.
  • Energy Tracing: With its ethereal nature, the Wisp can trace the residual energy imprints left behind by significant events or intense emotions. It follows the energetic trails, reliving echoes of past moments and gaining glimpses into the history and emotions associated with specific locations or objects.
  • Interdimensional Awareness: The Wisp exhibits a limited awareness of interdimensional spaces, perceiving the thin veils that separate realms and sensing the flow of energy between them. It may be drawn to areas where the barriers between dimensions are weaker or where potent spiritual energies converge.
  • Essence Perception: The Wisp has the ability to sense and distinguish the unique essence or aura of beings and objects. It perceives the vibrational signatures that define their identity, allowing it to recognize the individuality, intentions, and spiritual resonance of those it encounters.
  • Sensory Echoes: Through its extrasensory capabilities, the Wisp can pick up on residual sensory echoes tied to specific locations or objects. It may experience phantom smells, faint sounds, or even fleeting tactile sensations associated with past events or the lingering memories of individuals.
  The Wisp's unique sensory and extrasensory abilities provide it with a profound connection to the spiritual realm and a nuanced perception of the energies and essences that define it. While it lacks traditional physical senses, its ethereal nature allows it to engage with the spiritual realm in profound ways, guiding others and unveiling hidden mysteries that lie beyond the grasp of mortal perception.

Civilization and Culture


Within the spiritual void left by the divine exodus and the disrupted natural order, the fragmented souls coalesced into the ethereal forms known as Wisps. These entities emerged as remnants of souls, either too old, too young, or too damaged to fully embody their former selves. They became a manifestation of the shattered aspects of departed souls, forever caught between realms. Having lost the chance to move on to the afterlife or reunite with the divine, these poor creatures found themselves trapped in an ethereal existence. Their formless essence took on a faint, ethereal glow, while their fragmented memories and emotions remained tethered to the spiritual realms. They became remnants of what once was, forever caught within the spectral veils of existence. The emergence of Wisps had a subtle yet profound impact on the spiritual landscape. Their presence created a delicate balance, acting as conduits for spiritual energies and guardians of the transitional spaces between life and the severed afterlife. They became part of the new order that arose in the absence of the divine beings. In their fragmented form, represented the enduring essence of souls lost to the Blight and the shattered afterlife. They became beacons in a way, symbols of both loss and the resilience of the spirit.
Scientific Name

Cover image: Wisp by Midjourney


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