The Black Night and the Last Run of the People of Volri

Cultural event

23/4 30:00

The Black Night is only spoken of in whispers by the Volrishtad. The night the Blight was released upon Cairn, these nomadic people were near the edge of the blast radius that followed. With no warning the stars they once used as guides were obliterated from the sky by an unnatural darkness and on the horizon, their scouts saw the wave of destruction pushing toward them. Caravans and horse pushed by terror and desperation, the People of Vol fled the darkness as fast as they could, remaining at the edge of the enveloping horrors that pursued them.

The majority of their people were lost in this frantic exodus, falling to the Blight and the aberrations that hid within it. When the expansion finally settled, the remaining caravans and people were broken, lost, and desperate. Unaware of the larger picture or nature of what harried them, they rounded up what was left of their once enormous caravan and fortified as best they could. For weeks and months, the People of Vol fought wave after wave of nightmares from the darkness. Many more were lost. Through it all, the survivors were saturated with the negative energy that surrounded them, thinking all the while that the end of all things was upon them and receiving no answered prayers of help from the outside. They fought and survived, and when the dust settled, they wondered if they were all that remained of the world, adrift in the shadows that seemed to devour the world around them.

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