The Battle of Harker's Quarry

Military: Battle


With the majority of the splintered human factions already destroyed in the conflict or absorbed into other, stronger groups, the civil war begins to wind down, lacking the numbers to keep it going and, with the arrival of the Ghost Brigade set against all that remained, the continued actions of violence and conquest begin to resonate less and less with the surviving human populace, seeing the war as little more than a waste of the already dwindling life that remained.

In the heart of the turmoil, amidst the ruins of a desolate quarry, the final stand of the Hiversteadian faction unfolded. Their numbers depleted and their future uncertain, they gathered for a desperate defense against the relentless onslaught of the Dominium Vanguard. This zealous faction, fueled by an unwavering commitment to a unified Becht state, sought to crush all opposition in its path.   For seven grueling days, the quarry became a battleground, the Hiversteadians fortifying their position amidst the rugged stone as the Vanguard launched wave after wave of attacks. The clash was brutal, with neither side yielding ground easily. Every moment was fraught with the grim certainty of death, as warriors on both sides fought with a ferocity born of desperation, then, on the eighth day, as the Mother's Head broke over the horizon, a resounding horn shattered the eerie stillness of the quarry. With thundering hooves and gleaming armor, the Ghost Brigade descended upon the battlefield, their arrival heralding an abrupt and violent turn of events. Striking with precision and ruthless efficiency, they cut through the Vanguard's ranks, their white tabards a stark contrast to the blood-soaked earth. Caught between two formidable foes, the Hiversteadians found themselves swept up in the chaos of the Ghost Brigade's onslaught and combatants from both sides fell beneath the relentless assault.   Through the long night that followed, the clash of steel and the cries of the wounded echoed across the quarry. When dawn broke once more, the Vanguard lay vanquished, their dreams of dominance shattered amidst the carnage. The surviving Hiversteadians, battered but alive, seized the opportunity to retreat, leaving behind a landscape transformed into a grim tableau of death and destruction.    As swiftly as they had appeared, the Ghost Brigade vanished into the mists of legend. Despite exhaustive efforts to uncover their whereabouts, they remained elusive, their existence relegated to whispers and speculation. The quarry remains a silent and desolate ruin, a haunting reminder of the toll exacted by war.

Related Location
Harker's Quarry
Related Species
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