The Birth of the Hall of Fireflies

Criminal Activity


With the movement of the Burnt Crows spreading, and increasing curiosity about the arcane, the entrepreneurial spirit of a few unknown individuals steps forward to take advantage of this new black market for arcane and forgotten relics and goods.

The identities of the founders of this now infamous edifice remains a mystery, the existence of it stands as a testament to their ingenuity and foresight. The The Hall of Fireflies remains a constant thorn in the collective sides of most world governments, popping up at seemingly random places and at random times and yet still able to pull in huge crowds of Arcanist treasure hunters, scholars, and thrill seekers. The wares that are offered within are anything ranging from ancient and powerful artifacts to simple sleight of hand illusions, but the fact stands that the economic impact of the Hall is great enough to be noticeable after the fact in fiscal records, each of them showing a significant spike in trade and commercial goods during the time when the Hall is in a location, but it never remains long enough for these trends to be noticeable until it is gone.   Stories told from within the Hall tell tales of wonders that defy belief, and magics long thought lost. Those less than savory folks willing to place their lives on the line, upon hearing of the Hall began funding expeditions into the lost places of the Wastes seeking relics and knowledge to sell. Those who make successful digs and explorations often coming away wealthy, however, on a darker note, those that seek to undermine the Hall are seldom ever heard from again.

Related Location
The Hall of Fireflies
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