The Confederation of the People of Two Seasons is Established

Era beginning/end


After some time of trial and error, and more than a few small skirmishes, the Island of Sanctuary settles into a more static rhythm in which the relations between the tribes find a form of peaceful synchronicity. As this becomes apparent, the idea of forming a union of the tribes to hold council and share knowledge is born and accepted.

As the tribes settle, a motion is put forward that, while independence remains the best course forward for the tribes themselves, a council of elders that could oversee and confederacy of the tribes would do a great deal to benefit all, allowing them to share new developments and creations, new discoveries and news, and to allow the tribes to once again mingle from time to time in a peaceful manner and rediscover their unified roots. This is met with sweeping approval and the confederation follows through, deciding on a point on the banks of the largest lake on the island to be the neutral point upon which they would meet.

Related Location
Wemi Tali
Related Species
Sahahimu Peoples
Related timelines & articles
The History of Cairne (article)