The Discovery of Coda

Discovery, Exploration


Nestled along a long forgotten road, thankfully hidden away from the world, the small settlement of Coda had been a well kept secret of the Seanachaisian refugees since the fall of Victory. As things go, it was only a matter of time before it was discovered, but the Volrishtad that stumbled across them quickly became a not only much needed resource, but invaluable friends as well.

While content to remain in their isolation, the Seanachaisians that called Coda home were more than content to stay on the edge of existence. Here they were free to create and live their lives in relative harmony, small enough to evade notice, and yet large enough to hold the rare advances of creatures from the Blight at bay. Years passed in tenuous harmony for the Seanachaisians here until the day the sound of violins in the distance alerted them that their seclusion was about to end.   The residents of Coda did as they always did, and hid their faces, gathered the young and the infirmed into the center of the settlement, and manned the walls with makeshift weapons and musical instruments, prepared to defend their home. They were shocked when the caravan came into view, and the markings of the The Nichtyne caused a great stir, many of the citizens recognizing the colors and styles of the People of Volri, most of them unfortunately oblivious to the tragedy the Volrishtad had endured following the Blight. While the initial meeting was strained, the Seanachaisians extremely wary of outriders discovering one of the last remaining settlements of their people, the friendly demeanor of the Nichtyne tribe was hard for them to turn away, and when the offer of both trade of goods and new from the outside came into play it was decided that the gates would be opened for them. The Volrishtad stayed on for nearly a week, celebrating with music and dancing around a great fire in the center of the village. By the end of that time, an informal alliance was struck. The Nichtyne tribe agreed without hesitation to keep their location a secret, while also promising to make Code a regular stop on their caravan route in order to renew friendships, share news, and offer trade.

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