The Horrible Discovery of the Isolation of Cairne from the Afterlife

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The discovery that upended the world. No one since the Blight had ascended to any form of afterlife, and the gates to the planes beyond Cairne were sealed, possibly forever.

As awareness within the Benevolent Order of the existence of Spiritualist was confirmed over time, awareness of a vast presence of the lingering spirits of the dead gave many scholars pause, wondering as to why. While it was to be expected that there would be a great spectral presence that stained the word following so great a tragedy and so tremendous a loss of life, this did not explain the recent dead remaining. Careful study of several Spiritualist volunteers over the course of several extended experimentations led to the discovery that the dead were no longer able to leave the realm or move on in any way. Initially, the news was tamped down in a quick attempt to control the information, but news of this magnitude just could not be contained. As the news filtered out, varying degrees of mournful panic swept across Cairne, each people and even individual coming to terms with the information as best they could. A tremendous and sudden demand for people touched with the gift of Spiritualism were sought out in attempts to reach out to lost loved ones and the like, some in search of connection, others in search of answers. Many charlatans emerged during this time, claiming to be touched with the gift. Many of these used small illusions and left over arcane methods and tricks to con the unwitting, earning Spiritualists in general a great deal of suspicion for a great many years to come afterward.   The attitudes of many cultures shifted, and a renewed interest in religion was born from this in many places, leading to the establishment of cults and philosophies that built upon this news in an attempt to either make sense of it or manipulate people through the use of it.

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The History of Cairne (article)