The Ventryte Excursions

Population Migration / Travel


As the newly formed human nations begin to seek out and discover their individual, cultural identities, the Vertryte people begin to explore and redefine their way of life in the Eastern Wastes, the land claimed by them in the Pact of Erindall.

No one fully understood the impact of the Blight upon the lands of the East until the Verntryte people who laid claim to it began to explore their new domain. The lands were blasted, hard ground and filled with a myriad of new dangers that came from both the Blight and the Ruins of the Gaul Do Shah Empire. Maintaining their predisposition towards a nomadic way of life allowed them some degree of security as they began to branch out. It was during this time that the Ventrytes mapped out the borders of the Gaul Do Shah Empire as it once stood, and agreed as a whole during a moot of Elders that the lands of the Elves was to be respected despite the destruction apparent there. Upon the discovery of the decimated and and empty Halfling settlements, the Ventrytes assumed the worst, and this only solidified their decision. As details emerged, and interactions with the Gauldowhynna became more and more frequent, a strange, tenuous, mutual respect began to form between the two people, one that blossomed over time from a dangerous distance being kept, to a lose concept of trade and even peace. This is not to say that the interactions were not without tragedy and violence, as the Vntrytes soon discovered the full depth of the Gauldowhynna's state of being, but rather than shun them, the Ventrytes saw the result of forces beyond their control, and the fallout of the same events that nearly broke the world. In their pity and empathy, they did their best to maintain hope for them, despite everything.

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