
The Ahbaís were an ancient and enigmatic race that emerged from subterranean kingdoms, upending much of the history of the continent of Cairngorm. Known for their advanced technology, magical abilities, and engineering prowess, the Ahbaís established the Nanirite Empire, encompassing vast territories and diverse peoples.   Origins:
The Ahbaís are believed to have been breathed into existence by the deity Goibnu, also known as The Soul Forger. According to their origin myth, they were crafted deep within the planet's core, imbued with a divine essence and a destiny to bring enlightenment and order to the world.   Physical Characteristics
The physical appearance of the Ahbaís can vary, but they often possess distinctive features that set them apart from other races. They are usually of robust build, with keen eyes and a natural affinity for metallurgy, engineering, and magical arts. Most Ahbaís have dusky-blue skin, dark colored hair, and many adorn their hair in unique braids studded with precious stones. 
  Society and Culture:
The Ahbaís are governed by a meritocratic social structure that emphasizes deeds and actions as measures of worth. Their society is focused on exploring the unknown, both in physical and metaphysical senses, with a strong emphasis on innovation, learning, and the pursuit of perfection.
  Their culture celebrates craftsmanship, technology, and the mastery of magic. Despite viewing themselves as benevolent messengers, the Ahbaís' sense of entitlement and inherent superiority over others can lead to friction with other cultures.
  The Nanirite Empire:
The Ahbaís formed the ruling class of the Nanirite Empire, a vast domain with an ambition to encompass the entire planet of Toril and beyond. Through their superior technology and magic, the Ahbaís conquered and integrated diverse peoples, tribes, and civilizations, often with minimal resistance.
  Within the empire, the Ahbaís enjoyed full citizenship rights, while others are considered constituents, enjoying limited rights and privileges. The empire's laws, known as The Castings, uphold lofty ideals but are inherently biased in favor of the Ahbaís.
The Ahbaís worshiped Goibnu, The Soul Forger, the divine figure responsible for their creation. Their religious practices and beliefs were closely intertwined with their culture, philosophy, and governance, shaping their sense of destiny and their role in the world.

Naming Traditions

Other names

Outside of the Ahbais they are often referred to as the "Abyssal Dwarves", a reference to their emergence from deep underground.
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