
The Bultungin, also known as "werehyenas," are formidable guardians of the city-state of Ummania. Stemming from ancient myths, these creatures are both revered and feared for their ferocity and unwavering loyalty. Bultungin are bipedal, with hyena-like features and a humanoid stance, capable of switching between human and hyena form.

Basic Information

Biological Traits


Bultungin possess enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. In their hyena form, they have keen senses, especially smell, and can communicate with hyenas or other Bultungin telepathically. They are skilled in guerrilla tactics, making them formidable defenders in the wilds around Ummania.  


Bultungin can switch between their human and hyena form. The change can be voluntary or triggered by emotional stress.  

Hyena Empathy:

They can understand and communicate with hyenas.  

Night Vision:

Enhanced vision in low light conditions.

Civilization and Culture


Bultungin are exclusively created through a secret ritual known only to the Opun, mystical practitioners akin to voodoo priests. The transformation into a Bultungin is seen as a sacred duty; only those who prove their mettle in battle are considered for this honor. Once transformed, Bultungin relinquish their previous lives, dedicating themselves to protecting Ummania's borders. They are respected as symbols of Ummania's might and sovereignty.
"The night was moonless, the only light a faint glimmer from the distant city of Ummania. We tread softly through the brush, thinking ourselves unseen. But then, from the shadows, it emerged, towering and fearsome. Its eyes, reflecting a primal ferocity, pierced through the darkness, paralyzing us with dread. In that moment, we knew that the legends were true; the Bultungin were not just guardians of Ummania, but incarnations of the wild's untamed wrath. We fled, not out of shame, but survival." -- Yera Frostmoon (warrior scout from Crioch an Dochas)
Geographic Distribution


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