Clan Smáragtuagh

The Smáragtuag Clan are considered the finest weapon smiths in all of Southern Cairngorm. As one of the eldest clans in all of Fidach, Clan Smáragtuag wields considerable influence in Kinloche. Fidach owes much of its early success to the quality of the arms forged by the Smáragtuag dwarves. The clan’s history is closely bound to that of Clan Craghold, and many consider them sister clans. It is said that  during the unification of Fidach Clan Smáragtuag elevated the claim of Clan Craghold as senior clan to the provincial court. Where Craghold represented the voice of Felak dum Kehlhedenok, Smáragtuag embodies its arms and all of its strength.

Two Sides; Never Dull

Geopolitical, Clan
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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