
Diochuimhne, also known as "The Forgotten," refers to ancient eldritch beings beyond mortal comprehension. The Leanmhainniche, or "Followers" of the Diochuimhne are dedicated to venerating these enigmatic entities, recognizing their authority and power over the cosmos. The belief system encompasses a complex web of rituals, traditions, and stories that evoke a sense of dread, awe, and reverence for the incomprehensible.



Ancient Beings: The Leanmhainniche revere the Diochuihmne, entities that predate existence itself. These beings exist beyond the bounds of reality, possessing knowledge and power that is beyond mortal comprehension. The Leanmhainniche believe that these beings hold the keys to cosmic truths and acknowledge their dominion.


Central to their belief is the concept of Reulach, the astral light that pervades all things. Followers believe they can channel Reulach for their use, but only in small, permitted amounts granted through their respect for the Diochuimhne.
  Acceptance of Forbidden Knowledge:
Leanmhainniche accept that certain knowledge is forbidden and should remain beyond mortal understanding. They recognize that attempting to grasp certain truths without the approval or respect of the ancient beings could lead to madness or worse.
  Clerics, Priests, and Warlocks:
Within the Leanmhainniche, different roles exist for those who communicate with the ancient entities. Clerics, priests, and warlocks act as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the eldritch beings, wielding spells and invoking incantations aligned with their dominion.
  Worship and Practices
Rituals and Superstitions:
Followers of the Diochuimhne engage in intricate rituals that reflect their reverence for the ancient beings. These rituals often involve mysterious actions and symbols that are deeply symbolic and meaningful, representing their dedication and allegiance to the forgotten ones.

Conflict with The Diathan

The Diochuimhne stands in contrast to the dominant belief system of Cairngorm, which centers around the Diathan pantheon. Followers of the Diochuimhne view the Diathan as former mortals who have become prideful and stolen knowledge from the ancient beings. As a result, they refer to Diathan texts as "apocrypha," asserting that they have taken from the Diochuimhne's legacy.
  Influence and Impact
The Diochuimhne and its followers play a significant role in the cultures and communities of Cairngorm. Secret altars, hidden temples, and weather-worn stone formations serve as remnants of their ancient rituals. Their esoteric practices often invoke eldritch spells, causing madness and psychic changes, leading to fear and awe among those who encounter their abilities.
  An Felach: The Veil of Forbidden Truths
An Felach, meaning "The Veil," is the sacred and accumulated collection of writings within the Diochuimhne. These texts form a repository of eldritch wisdom and insight, encompassing parables, short stories, invocations, rituals, and meditations. The non-linear and disjointed nature of the texts mirrors the elusive nature of the truths they contain. Through the words of An Felach, followers seek to glean a fragmentary understanding of the ancient beings and their incomprehensible dominion.

Mu dheidhinn a h-uile rud a ghabhas sgrìobhadh agus cuid eile.

"About everything that can be written and some more”


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