Hartskov - The Borough by the Arcane Lake

Located just north of Ebernhall, Hartskov sits on the edge of a large, mysterious lake whose waters are believed to possess arcane properties. The borough is the starting point for all the rivers flowing from this lake, defying natural topography in a way that baffles scholars.     Culture and Society:
The residents of Hartskov have a deep reverence for the lake, which is central to their lifestyle and beliefs. The borough is known for its tranquil, contemplative atmosphere, with many of its citizens dedicated to understanding the lake's mysteries.   Economy and Industry:
Hartskov's economy thrives on fishing and aquaculture, with the lake providing a bounty of fish, shellfish, and especially prized caviar. The borough's culinary products are sought after across Cairngorm, enhancing its reputation as a center of gastronomic excellence.


Hartskov is home to one of the largest populations of Aarakocra in Cairngorm. They are close kin to the Tiefling of Ebernhall, bound in common purpose and vision.


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