Patron, Lord Vralnak Amrallatha

Lord Vralnak Amrallatha is the current Patron of his clan, and therefore the de facto ruler of Faaldintharrun. Although the Ceannard reigns over the whole of Fidach, it is well known that the Ceannard can bost of little authority underneath the Teallachs. As one of the first male patrons of Clan Amrallatha, and by extension Faaldintharrun, Lord Vralnak's time as Patron has not been without controversy and conflict. Without a female heir, Lord Cvalnatah Amrallatha (Vralnak Amrallatha's mother) was forced to choose between family and tradition. Previously, a family without a female heir would allow the next family in line to appoint a successor. It is then hard to overstate the weight of Lord Cvalnatha's naming of her son as her successor.    Lord Vralnak never wanted the role of Patron. Would his refusal not have led to the permanent dishonor and embarrassment of his mother, he would have readily chosen to stay out of the spotlight. It is therefore not much of a secret in Faaldintharrun that Lord Vralnak's mate, Lord Geskar N'kthezzod, is the true authority Faaldintharrun. Lord Geskar was the eldest son of Lord Salamvana N'kthezzod. As the family next in line to serve as Patron, the lack of a female heir within Clan N'kthezzod sowed the seeds of Lord Cvalnatah's plan to name her son as the heir apparent.  Many within Faaldintharrun speculate that had Lord Cvalnatah known of the relationship between Vralnak and Geskar, she would have never named him her successor.


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