The Castings

Document Structure


Summary of The Castings   1. On Citizenship: Distinctly defines the privileges of citizenship, drawing a clear divide between the inherent rights of citizens and the limited acknowledgment of constituents. The Ahbaís are automatically granted citizenship, while others must earn it through dedication to the empire.   2. On Duty: Establishes the divinely decreed responsibility of the Ahbaís in maintaining order, peace, and oversight. It asserts the destiny of non-constituents to eventually be incorporated into the empire, delineates duties of citizens in upholding the empire's glory, and tasks constituents with aspiring to full citizenship.   3. On Property and Trade: Sets out property rights for citizens, ensuring fair compensation and honest trade dealings. Constituents are given lesser property protections, with their rights always secondary to those of full citizens.   4. On Governance: Outlines the empire's political hierarchy, with the Nazarite Imperial — a council of five — at its zenith. Governors, appointed by the Imperial and drawn exclusively from citizens, manage individual territories and are vested with expansive local authority.   5. On the Rectification of Errors: Emphasizes the supreme jurisdiction of the Imperial in overseeing and rectifying legal matters, while also acknowledging the rights of subordinates to request judicial reviews. This ensures the balance of power and maintains a system of checks and balances.   6. On Destiny: Enshrines the philosophy of manifest destiny, proclaiming that the Nanarite Empire is fated to preside over not only the material plane of their world but eventually, all planes of existence.   Together, these Castings form the foundation of Nanirite law and order, clearly favoring the Ahbaís while offering a semblance of inclusion and rights to constituents, guiding the empire's growth and governance.

Historical Details


The Castings are a series of legal standards. Each Casting refers to a section of law as articulated by the Nanirite Imperial. There are 6 castings, along with a prologue and an epilogue. The Ahbaís who emerged at Nanirith created The Castings as a means of codifying their belief in their predetermined destiny to rule all of Cairngorm, Toril, and eventually all of the planes beyond.


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