The Gloaming

Over the centuries under the rule of the Ahbais, Cairngorm became a land of stunning technological and magical advancements. Ahbais architecture sculpted the landscape, merging natural beauty with their superbly crafted stone edifices. Yet, the Ahbais' rulership was a double-edged sword; their advanced society came with a hefty price - oppression, inequality and a growing resentment among the other denizens.   The Ahbais' sudden disappearance triggered the onset of the Gloaming. They vanished without a trace, leaving behind their colossal cities, now devoid of life, and technologies that the surface-dwellers could barely comprehend. Some suggest they returned to the planet's core, while others believe they ascended to a higher plane of existence or were wiped out by divine intervention.   The sudden vacuum in leadership and order led to what would be remembered as one of the darkest periods in Cairngorm's history. Without a unifying power, society fell into chaos. Anarchy reigned and war became the norm. Cairngorm descended into a century of relentless conflict, with each clan, tribe, and noble house fighting to claim the throne that the Ahbais had left empty.   The former beneficiaries and subjects of the Ahbais were quick to take up arms, seeking to forge a new order in the chaos. The inter-clan rivalries escalated, warlords arose, noble houses battled each other, and even the simplest of disagreements sparked bloody conflict. The island continent became a perpetual war zone, with each piece of land and every resource becoming a reason for war. The cost was immense; nearly half of the population died over the course of this century-long war.   Hope seemed to be a fleeting dream, but it was reignited by the Iniltear, a tribe of nomads known for their peaceful way of life. While Cairngorm was lost in conflict, the Iniltear chose a different path. They renounced any claims of power and embarked on a peaceful pilgrimage across the war-torn lands, spreading a message of unity, hope, and peace. Many fell during their journey, becoming martyrs for their cause.   The Iniltear's pacifistic approach made them easy targets, yet their bravery and commitment to their cause stirred the hearts of many. Slowly but surely, their message began to resonate. People began to tire of the endless bloodshed, and the seeds of peace were sown.   In memory of the Iniltear's sacrifices, the leaders of the most powerful factions met. They drew up and signed the 7 Treaties, bringing an end to the Gloaming. Each treaty led to the establishment of an independent sovereign, establishing a delicate balance of power that brought peace to the weary land.   Cairngorm, once a land ruled by the might of the Ahbais, had emerged from the shadows of the Gloaming to become a diverse continent of seven dominions, each with its unique customs and history, forever marked by the past and the sacrifices made for a peaceful future.


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