Varrund Stonevein

Varrund Stonevein, also known as the Sapphire Lich, is the current head of the College of Flesh, an ancient institution of arcane knowledge located in the city-state of Ilah. Stonevein is a nearly millennia-old dwarven lich whose life and work have become legendary among scholars of magic, particularly within the controversial field of necromancy.
  He is particularly renowned for his Corpus Thesis, which speculates on the disappearance of the Nanirite Empire and its ruling caste, the Ahbais (also known as abyssal dwarves). His fascination with the lost empire and its enigmatic rulers influenced much of his early academic career, eventually shaping his ascension into lichdom through the practices of the College of Flesh.

Early Life and Ancestry

Varrund was born into a dwarven lineage several generations removed from the Ahbais, the subterranean rulers of the ancient Nanirite Empire who mysteriously vanished millennia ago. His ancestry is reflected in the unique marbled appearance of his skin, which bore sapphire and ebony streaks, an uncommon trait among the surface dwarves. This feature was a mark of his deep connection to the Nanirite bloodline and its ancient arcane heritage.
  As a child of dwarven aristocracy, Varrund had access to elite education, fostering his lifelong dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. His obsession with the Ahbais and their disappearance grew into an all-consuming academic endeavor, which would later culminate in the writing of his Corpus Thesis.

Academic and Scholarly Contributions

Prior to his transformation into a lich, Varrund distinguished himself within the College of Flesh, advancing rapidly through its ranks. Like all elite members of the College, his Corpus Thesis is both his magnum opus and his phylactery, an academic work inscribed upon and bound within his own flesh. The Thesis centers on speculative theories regarding the fall of the Nanirite Empire and the mysterious disappearance of the Ahbais.
  Varrund's original body, which bore unique sapphire and ebony marbling, became integral to his Corpus Thesis. Upon his final ascension ritual, his mortal flesh was transmuted into the pages of his Thesis, preserving the marbled texture as both a symbolic and literal representation of his connection to the Ahbais. His work and transformation inspired many scholars within the College of Flesh, who now view Varrund as a near-immortal custodian of their knowledge.

Ascension to Lichdom

By the time he had reached his 300th year, Varrund sought lichdom, the highest form of ascendance within the College of Flesh. He saw immortality as the only way to fully protect the knowledge he had acquired and to continue his research unimpeded by the limits of mortal life. The Ascension Rite he underwent was said to be particularly grueling, as Varrund willingly surrendered his body, consciousness, and soul to be bound into his Corpus Thesis, ensuring both his immortality and the eternal preservation of his work.
  His transformation into a lich, while controversial among some factions within the College, was regarded by others as the ultimate expression of the College’s philosophy—that knowledge and the self are inseparable and that true mastery requires the sacrifice of the flesh. Varrund's current form is skeletal and heavily imbued with necromantic energies, but his authority and influence within the College remain unchallenged.

Philosophy and Influence

As a necromancer and archmage, Varrund Stonevein holds to the belief that knowledge is eternal, while mortal concerns—such as politics and fleeting conflicts—are beneath his consideration. He rarely engages in the political intricacies of Ilah, despite his influence, viewing such matters as transient and ultimately inconsequential. His focus lies solely on the accumulation, preservation, and protection of arcane knowledge, a purpose that has defined his nearly millennia-long existence.
  Under his leadership, the College of Flesh has refined its rituals, particularly those related to the creation of liches and the crafting of Corpus Theses, and its status as one of the most powerful necromantic institutions in Cairngorm has only grown.

Legacy and Present Influence

Varrund’s nearly 200-year reign over the College has solidified his status as an iconic figure within Ilah and beyond. The College's library, which houses numerous relics and forbidden tomes, is often attributed to his relentless protection of its contents. Scholars who study at the College revere him not just for his power, but for the depth of wisdom he embodies, having witnessed countless conflicts, regimes, and cultural shifts during his long existence.
  While feared by many outside the College, within its hallowed halls, he is regarded as a guardian of forbidden knowledge and the embodiment of the College’s core philosophy—that to transcend mortality, one must sacrifice the self for the greater pursuit of understanding.
"I find your request laughably misplaced. You ask me—one who has lived beyond the cycles of flesh—to lend wisdom to your political squabbles? Petty power struggles, wealth, and status; all fleeting. What difference does it make which house sits upon a throne when, in a century, none will remember the names you hold so dear?" - Archmaster Varrund Stonevien


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