The Continent

Cult of Hastur


The Cult of Hastur are a collection of different races from across the continent who have come to worship the Nyalanth Hastur who now even to his followers remains lost. They've formed many hideouts throughout the lands and have therefore mostly kept their existence an unknown to most of the populace. Seperate from the other cults of Nyalanthi, Those that chose to follow Hastur have forsaken anything other than the utter worship of The Last Nyalanth.  


The Cult started out when an adventurer by the name of Nodens of Halia went on a pilgrimage to the what back then was simply known as The Great Mountain. What he brought back was the knowledge that would drive others mad, His village was subsequently driven insane by these revelations and left for The Great Mountain, Enthralled by the concept of serving this being that possessed such knowledge.   Nodens as well as others of the cult would carry out these expeditions to other villages and cities trying to convert more people to their beliefs, Though efforts would be halted and subsequently thwarted by the erasure of half the Nyalanthi by an alliance of races that sought to remove this taint from the world. Even though their numbers have not been what they used to be, They continue to disguise themselves as pilgrims and with only one other Nyalanth standing, They were more focused and co-ordinated than before.   These days the cult's influence would only be told in whispers, No wars or conflicts, No sign of Nyalanthi or strange phenomena. Some say that they've died out
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Although clear evidence of them still remains to the trained eye.
Religious, Cult

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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