The Continent


The Unknowable Ones


The Nyalanthi were a group of malevolent and mostly unknown entities that inhabited most of the continent in the age of ancients. It was said that just spending too much time around these creatures would drive one mad, Seeing as most adventurers that sought one out never came back, This rumour appears to be true.  


Not much is known about their appearance, Many skeptics have contradicting reports saying that they're an amalgmam of flesh and blood, Writhing tentacles in the shape of a human, Even living suits of armour. It may be that each Nyalanth has a completely different appearance or that their powers skew the ability to perceive them.  


The Nyalanthi held a great amount of dominance among the lesser races contributed by the fact that they had great psychic abilities that could influence and even control others to do their will for them, Just the mere sight of a Nyalanth could spell doom as they poured their infinite cosmic knowledge into mortal minds, Driving them mad - This ability however was countered by the ancient mages of The Continent and lead to the downfall of the Nyalanth Realms. In the war that sprung out, The Nyalanthi were not only said to be able to turn allies against themselves but also the ability to cause mania and madness if they somehow did resist long enough. Their power seemed to become be even more potent from the worship that they were given by those who were either indoctrinated into mindless thralls or willingly give up their freedom in exchange of powers and the promise of being left alive as their masters constantly drain psychic energies from them.  



Nobody knows where they came from, Just that the oldest races have always known them to be a threat to their wellbeing, Not powerful enough to destroy a whole civilisation on their own, but had at one point amassed followers enough to develop their power and become an actual threat to all the races.  

The Silent War

In the ancient age before human history, A silent war was being waged by the Nyalanthi to disrupt and take over the lands, however because their power was shared amongst them, This left them at a weak state where they couldn't just outright attack the races with brute force. The Nyalanthi consequently took to indoctrinating and using the lesser races to bolster their support in hidden cults as a subtle way of gaining power before striking down those they saw to conquer, Alas this was not enough as an alliance of races eventually saw through their plans and sought to find a way to destroy them before it they became too powerful.  

Need A Revamp

Hastur's Plan

The remaining amount of Nyalanthi that day had left Hastur enraged and saw that he had to come up with a plan. Though less of them remained, He knew that sharing power with the others left him weak and that he could share their fate. Therefore he devised a plan to convince the remaining of his kind to adopt more humanoid features to better fit into society touting that if they could themselves be the heralds of the Nyalanthi that they could amass an army faster than any cult ever could. Completely restless and enraged most of the others agreed to go through with this plan, Shifting into what is now known as Giants; humanoid beings the size of trees that closely resembled earth shapers. They went through the land indoctrinating and manipulating others that were too awestruck at these creatures led by familiar races through their great psychic abilities. In the background however Hastur had been busy draining their powers from his mountaintop hideaway, Slowly he took everything from them without arousing suspicion, Too preoccupied with the success that his plan had wrought. Eventually taking all their power from them, The ability to shift, manipulate and psychically connect with other creatures, Making sure to take their memories from them as a precaution to the inevitable retaliation he would receive, He sat in his mountain throne leaving the giants to roam as beasts of the land, and over the years taking in all the power that was divided amongst the other Nyalanth for himself.
Scientific Name
Average Height
120m - Unknown
Average Weight
Average Length

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