The Continent

Stalrynite (STALL-ruh-nite)

Hailing from the land of city of Stalryn - A massive expanse of subterranean settlements under the land of Aldebaran, Stalrynites have an unknown origin, With their most prominent theory being that they were statues come to life carved by Aldebaranian humans of the ancient age, Evidenced heavily by the stone pillars that littered the land with nought but a monument to top them though this theory led to many heated discussions within the community and labelled as slander seeing humans too weak to have created them.   Most Stalrynite though secluded due to being reviled by most other civilisations lead a honourable life - Like the statues of old being carved in the name of warriors and stalwart protectors they pride themselves in stepping up to the task of protecting those that they deemed weaker than them. Those who chose to live a life without honour were branded as the "Fractured" being exiled from their homeland and treated with utmost disrespect by those that still chose to live a selfless life, Seemingly thought to be born from statues that were sculpted to represent villainous or less savoury characters - Further lending credence to their origin theory.  


Possessing bodies composed primarily of stone that ranges from marble to slate, Their bodies retaining the texture, colouration and patterns of statuesque figures with some even displaying intricate carvings and gemstone inlays. Their forms would vary wildly while most adopted a humanoid form, Some would take on the shape of fauna or other species.
A stalrynite warrior, Honourbound to protect the weak and less-abled.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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