Akkalion Organization in Calandyrion - The Great Conjunction | World Anvil


Akkalion was one of the first areas settled my men on the continent of Calandyrion. Its capital, Emerum, was the first city formed by men almost 3000 years ago. Over the centuries Akkalion has grown into the nation as it exists today. Throughout its history Akkalion has had many rulers. Some of its rulers have been benevolent, some ruled as kings, generals and most recently by Yis Thiot who rules in a dictatorial fashion with an iron fist.


Akkalion is located in the area west of the Central Mountains unto the ocean and south of the foot hills of the Tubilion Mountains.


Akkalion has a 25,000-man army recruited to serve for 5 years followed by a 15-year period served in the reserves and requiring a yearly training period known as the Clash of Steel.

Foreign Relations

Akkalion is involved in a constant state of conflict along its border with Rhapsium. This conflict is caused by Rhapsium’s desire to acquire territory to improve its capacity to grow.

Agriculture & Industry

Akkalion is flush with farmland and has numerous rivers. In addition, with three port cities fishing is also an important market commodity.

Trade & Transport

Most towns in Akkalion are situated on or near the water so much its trade is conducted by boat or barge. Those few towns that are landlocked are served by major trade routes.

A nation ruled with an iron fist.

Political, independent
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Yis Thiot
Judicial Body
Yis Thiot
Neighboring Nations


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