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Varys Siannodel



  Trained in the Academy of War in Ost Gwilith, Varys spent a large part of his adult life as a researcher, interested in studying the arcane in the most academic and systematic way possible.   He was eventually sent to Craigavon to act as an ambassador to the human kingdom, where he met Sazir. The two became quick friends, with Varys even lending a subtle hand in the Craigavon academy of magic.   During the war, he was officially recalled back home, but kept in touch with Sazir, and indirectly helped with the rebellion and the forming of the The Lords' Alliance. For that, he was offered a place in the council, and the position of archmage in the academy.   Kolvar Kalnón saw this as an opportunity, and ordered Varys to act as a spy for him, keeping him informed of the internal workings of the Craigavon council.   He followed these orders for a number of years, but eventually came clean to Sazir, offering to act as a triple agent. In the time he spent with the humans, he grew attached to his students and the human spirit, and did not want to partake in the cold war effort of the elves.  

Recent years

  Varys kept his position in the Academy and council, all the while giving the elves unimportant and outdated information, retrieving actually useful intelligence to aid the Lords' Alliance.   He went on to investigate an attack on a Shadar-kai house, by Nera's request. During his investigation, he was found out and attacked by his elven peers, forcing him to perform a risky teleport to escape back to Craigavon.   His ambassador status was officially revoked, and he was formally exiled by the high elves. He's now working fully with the Lords' Alliance to figure out what his kin's plans are, and to put a stop to them if they endanger any more lives.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very serious face, usually seen wearing a well tailored blue robe with golden trim, a more elaborate version of what his students wear

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Calm and collected, when outside of his academy he usually doesn’t speak unless he absolutely needs to. Very strict and demanding as a teacher, but fair. Doesn’t trust tech at all, and often clashes with Alston regarding his experiments with magitech.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Long grey hair that falls below the shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Draconic, Sylvan, Primordial

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