Zaísse Adégha Item in Calethos | World Anvil
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Zaísse Adégha

"Ah, I have tasted this precious liquor only once. To call it a beverage would be a grave injustice. Its taste is rich and complex, at once heavy and delightful. A multitude of flavours are vying for the drinker's consideration: Lush notes of blackberry mingle with rich sensations of chocolate, here a hint of apricot (was it even there?), there an aftertaste of ash, never too much, always balanced. You cannot have a sip of Zaísse Adégha and not close your eyes in rapture, picturing yourself atop the hills of the Adégha vineyards in Bellecour, looking down on the golden sun setting over the Aristherian Sea.
Zaísse Adégha is not a beverage. It is a story told with every sip!"
- "A traveller's companion - a guide to the realms" by Nathanyell Littleburye, historian and traveler
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Current Location


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