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Mother of Lust Jilas

The daughter of Baleas and Molora, Jilas is known as the goddess of lust, pain, and fear. She attempted to corrupt Jonas at the will of her father. Instead she found herself attracted to him beyond physical desire. Their tryst gave birth to the gods of mortals and the neutral lying pantheon.    Usually characterized as a beautiful girl in her late teens with a shy demeanor Jilas finds followers in those lacking self worth. The girl who questions if she is pretty or not. The man full of self loathing for cheating on his wife. Those who fear society wont accept them or their behaviors. While these characteristics are not necessarily evil in their own right they can often be the kindling that ignites and luminates a path of wickedness. The desire for more than what we have or the physical craving of accompaniment. Jilas feeds on these emotions from mortals, because they are often the emotions drawn from her. Unable to truly corrupt Jonas she failed in the one major task her father gave her. Molora, though twisted, is her own show of beauty. Compared to her parents and her father's creations she feels lacking and underwhelming.   Known as the "Mother of Lust" Jilas is seen as responsible for the way this sin permeates the mortal realms. A trait that was inherited to mortals through their creation by Jilas' own children. She earns the title twice-fold however. She is the creator of own of the foulest breed of fiends and devils. The first succubus and incubus where originally carved from her flesh. She breathed in them a single purpose, go forth and feast. Insatiable sexual desire drove the first generation of these creatures to find and seduce hundreds of other mortals. These mortals would lay with the fiends and through something as simple as a kiss the fiend would draw out the very life essence of their victims. Draining their prey of life kept them healthy and young, and it would create new siblings from the mortals who perished if their hearts were found lustful enough.

Divine Domains

Lust, pain, fear, suffering.
Divine Classification


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