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Session 12: Cave of the Silenced Report

General Summary

Based off the information provided from Onza and the scouts over the speaking stone the group decide to split. Rui being the fleetest of foot and stealthy left the others with the caravan to try and find the cave. He succeeded and found a mangled body outside its mouth. That afternoon the party had reconvened and Rui explained to the merchants that a present danger loomed nearby and that he and the others were going to handle it. Bohel stayed with the caravan to help keep them safe.   As the party approached the cave mouth Barry decided to use invisibility to scout ahead. What appeared as a natural cave eventually forked into two paths. The left of which eventually turned to worked stone. The party slowly moved ahead and found a stairwell. As they worked to stay quiet the group found a room with multiple locked doors and ran upon a humanoid guard. Through disarmament and brute force the guard was left unconscious and relieved of his keys. At which point Bohel showed up, letting everyone know he had made the caravan a place to hide and felt better needed here.   Further exploration into this underground compound allowed the party to find one of the missing scouts of Onza being tortured in a room with multiple tables. On the tables were other humanoids, some dead, some still breathing, but all the victims of torture. After dispatching her captors the group freed the scout and they continued to explore the area.   Down a different path they found a large room carved out and containing machines and cages. In the cages were everything from people (or corpses of people) to various horrors of the Underdark. One such horror was a floating mass of stalks with eyes attached to a large central mass of flesh with one large eye. The machines hummed and seemed to disrupt any magic within their immediate area. The party confronted several roaming undead in the area before finding a living woman in a cage. After being freed, she tried to reward the party with a kiss. Rui's better judgement kicked in and he asked if the party could send her near one of the machines. When getting close to a machine the woman lashed out and transformed into her true succubus form. This succubus proceeded to pick at the part for a moment, but when things started looking grim she bolted after turning invisible. In a nearby room the group found the stored belongings of the prisoners here. Among the gear was the scouts equipment, but her speaking stone had been taken.
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
27 Nov 2019


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