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Session 13: Cave of the Silenced Part 2 Report

General Summary

As the party finished resting in the store room with the scout they heard a commotion as more cultists were running about trying to find the intruders. Ruineren decided to gamble on one of the nearby creatures that was imprisoned and freed the Mind Witness, a beholder like creature. The Witness asked him one question, "Where is the exit?" Rui pointed the direction and the creature left decimating cultists on its way out.    As the troop pushed further Bohel broke from the group to return to the caravan. As they pressed further they located a room of stone catwalks overlooking hundreds of zombies. Bodies of various humanoids, some living and some dead, hung from hooks and cages in the ceiling. At the far end of this room was Grix chained through his arms and being interrogated by an armored Hobgoblin and a familiar female Tiefling. Using cultists robes they had gathered along the way the group tried to approach the pair. With ample deception they made it close before the gig was up and conflict started. The tiefling stepped through a teleportation circle on the ground at the far end, but the hobgoblin drew his sword and a nasty barbed whip. Ruineren managed to free the imp Grix. This placement proved troublesome for Rui as after freeing Grix he was too close to the hobgoblin who threw him into the swarm of zombies underneath them. Luckily Ruineren used his fey nature to teleport to the catwalk and charm Grix with his fey magic. The imp afraid and beaten turned invisible and ran for the door.    The fight went on and Barry fell unconscious. Keegan provided aid to him as rapidly as he could. Worn down the hobgoblin decided to join his allies through the magic circle. A lucky critical from Ruineren stopped him in his tracks permanently. The group managed to recompose themselves and free those living in the torturous cavern. They found a number of magic items from the hobgoblin, but the two of most interest were his whip (which had spoken to Rui during the confrontation) and a set of vials with thought-strands in them. Barry claimed the whip and later took the time to attune to its magical nature.   The group returned to the caravan and established a camp to wait for support from Onza. Using an encoded message due to the cult managing to get a hold of one of the speaking stones they asked for backup. Camping this close to the Scar proved hazardous as a manticore served by harpies laid assault to the survivors. With out too much trouble though the group kept everyone safe.   After that first night of camping Barry showed signs of agitation and wanted to get on the rode to Azamel. This sparked a conflict between him and Ruineren. Specifically when Barry didn't even think about Keegan, who left with the scout to look for the backup, and would have left him behind.    After the second day a group of guards from Onza arrived taking the scout, civilians, one of the thought-strands, and the head of the hobgoblin back to the village.
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
14 Feb 2020


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