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Session 1: The Fall of Vecora Report

General Summary

An man of elvish decent, an anthropomorphic elephant, a bugbear, and a goblin all walk into a bar.   A fight between the bugbear/imp pair and the tavern's overzealous barkeep is avoided with some calming words from the elephant man and a decent musical performance on behalf of the bugbear. It would appear that the simple masses are fairly prejudice toward goblinoids and their ilk.   As things begin to settle down a woman runs in hollering for help and for folks to run for their lives. Before she can finish her warning a zombie bites a chunk out of her neck. The tavern is immediately beset by zombies that have breached the edges of town. As the numbers of undead versus living begins to turn in the favor of the zombies, the people of Vecora realize their town is lost. The party barely manages to make it out of the tavern and to one of the caravans leading out of the area.

Character(s) interacted with

Tales of Caleus
Report Date
11 Sep 2019
Primary Location


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