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Session 2: Tragedy Toward Onza and Midnight Meetings

General Summary

As the party finds their way out of Vecora they eventually make camp with the other refugees in their caravan. Barry the Bugbear and Keegan the goblin entertain themselves for the evening. The elephant man now known as Bohel, a druid, takes time bringing comfort to the refugees around him. Ruineren, the Eladrin rogue, manages to kindle the interest of a waitress from the tavern with mixed success.   Before the light of dawn breaks a man, scraped and bloodied, runs up to their caravan's campsite. He brings ill news of another caravan that was in route to Onza Village but had been annihilated during the night. Father Anton Denozo requests any brave and able bodied individuals to travel to Onza and warn them. The misfits that held the tavern during the evacuation agree to help, but some of them required financial prodding prior to accepting.   As the party skirted the outside of the town to get to the road that would lead to Onza they saw hundreds if not thousands of undead wandering aimlessly through its streets. A few hours further down the road toward Onza the party found the remnants of the lost caravan. They were unable to get a closer look however as whatever horde had destroyed the wagon train was still there. Ruineren decided to disguise himself in clothes from nearby dead people and imitating their shamble tried to get closer. Cautiously pushing forward he managed to get close enough to the undead to see a figure in the middle of them. The figure was likewise a zombie, but stood at least a foot taller than the others and was clad in armor that did not match the town guards. The figure then noticed Ruineren's approach, but much to Ruineren's surprise it showed some sign of intelligence and slowly backed away from him while seemingly siccing the horde on the elf. Ruineren's nimble escape lead the party into the woods to attempt and lose the horde's attention.   Eventually they found their way back to the road and intercepted a wagon leaving Onza for Vecora. They explained the situation to the wagon driver and convinced him to turn around and take them to Onza. He took them to meet Lord Marcus Riveron of Onza who rewarded the party and set them up at the local inn the The Pilgrim's Respite.   Having more coin to their name the group set about to relax for the evening. Barry played a song alongside The Oddballs and did well enough that Ole Skeez gave him an open invitation to play with the group some other time. Ruineren noticed a coded message etched in wood above one of the stools at the bar. "Here at 2 AM."
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
18 Sep 2019
Primary Location


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