BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


(a.k.a. The wolf whisperer)

The child of nature

Whether Adara was abandoned in the woods or whether her family were just passing through and she escaped some monster that slew them is unknown. Adara was without human contact in the woods from the age of five. She survived, taking shelter in an old fox hole and living off berries, taking to the wilds like a fish to water. She lived like this for weeks until the wolf, Raksha, drawn by the changing currents of life energy through the forest, found her and took her in. The two staying side by side for the next six years, the two have run together through the great forest. As she grew older, she discovered that the elements heeded her requests. Slowly at first, but growing faster as her confidence increased, she realised she could call and control them. Her talent is rough, untrained and unrefined, but shows the seeds of great power. She lives a good life and there is little she wants other than to run with the wolves and tend to the health and balance of her home.
Year of Birth
4021 -2 Years old
Large light brown
Short brown with twigs and flowers in it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned