Aereni High Elves Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Aereni High Elves

The Aereni High Elves are thought to be the first humanoid life made by the Primordials. They consider themselves the pinacle of creation and during the Age of Expansion a large group of high elves set out and colonized a island off the coast of Glawveria creating a isolated and xenophobic state to flaunt the superiority of their divine creation.   They are led by The Undying Court . A council of undead elven heros sustained by special sarcophagi that feed them energy directly from the positive energy plain. The greatest honor among them is to become a hero of such renowned that upon death you are interred inside one of these sarcophagi to lead the elven people for the rest of your existence.    

Character creation

When creating a Aereni Elf consider why they left the Kingdom of the Aereni and traveled to Glawveria. Was it at the request of a ancestor thays a member of the The Undying Court? Where you exiled? Their families and traditions are paramount to their lives. So what is your family known for. How are you proving your a master in your skills or trade. Are you annoyed at dealing with races with shorter lives or are you patient with them.


Shared customary codes and values

It is expected that each member of society is a expert in at least one aspect of their lives. Whether that is a trade or a personal skill. There is little excuse in their eyes to not be a master of your chosen skill.   The Aereni see all other races as beneath them and frequently act like it. Talking to all manner of people like children at best or animals at worst.

Common Taboos

  • Interbreeding with lesser races
  • Acknoledging public embarrassment 
  • Resorting to blood magic/sangromancy
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

Eberron rising from the last war

Aereni High Elves

ability score increase: Intelligence +1
age: 1200
alignment: Lawful
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, elven
race features:
  • +1 int
  • Proficiency in 1 skill or tool of your choice your proficiency in skill checks is doubled using that chosen proficiency
  • You know one cantrip from the wizard spell list of your choice.
  • You can speak read and write one additional language of your choice.


Aereni Wood Elves

ability score increase: Wis +1
age: 1200
Size: Medium
speed: 35ft
Languages: Common, elven
parent race:
race features:
  • Fleet of foot. Your base speed is 35ft
  • You choose a skill or tool proficiency.  Your proficiency is doubled when you make checks using that skill or tool


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