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Francis I. Copia

Francis Ibarra Copia (a.k.a. Padre)

A priest in Bodam City a former member of the Bodam police department until a injury early in his career helped to shift his views becoming a man of faith. Holding onto a deep desire to help his community. He does what he can to help those in poverty or looking after those who have nobody else who would miss them.  
"Laying there broken and bleeding starring at the sun the violence and hate left me. I found the strength to remake a broken man into who he should have been all along."
~Francis "Padre" Copia.     Thanks to his connections though there are those in the police who still reach out to him to help solve issues where maybe the law can't. Helping a young thief find legitimate work, finding housing for vagrants.   Padre is typically left alone even by seedier elements within the city. He grew up on the streets and is well connected and well respected.  


Padre's wife was lost giving birth to daughter. Benedita Copia took her fathers beliefs and embraced them to her core. Opening a bakery that operates on donations making food for those that cant get it otherwise or helping keep a roof over peoples heads.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Even a bitter enemy is loved by someone
  2. Bloodshed is never the correct answer
  3. be honest and fair
  4. always do the right thing even if there is no benefit for you
  5. never kill, lie, or cheat
  6. show kindness even in pain
  7. think before you act
  8. have empathy
  9. keep your word
  10. do not cheat
Ruled Locations