BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Lithren Svydunal

Lithren has been the standing magic tudor of the Dryden family, since Kyrrel Dryden showed a natural talent for magic. Under his teachings the young boys magic was honed quickly faster than most children his age. Bonding with the boy becoming something of a surrogate father to Kyrrel.

Mental characteristics


Lithren has spent nearly the last 30 years in the employment of the Dryden family as a tudor for its children and advisor to Quinton Dryden & Iryna Dryden .

Accomplishments & Achievements

Over his long life Lithren has had many break threws however. His possible greatest achievement is being able to imbue a living person with the ability to be a living spell focus or spellbook for a separate caster. The process is as of yet still imperfect and needs to be refined but. He has proven it can be done.   In this regard driving Kyrrel from his home and away from the protections of his family have become a blessing. Telling his family he cant be found or located by magical means. With the assumption that Kyrrel is either dead or mad from secret experiments that had backfired. The situation only improving when the new baby Velek W. Dryden  also showed magic capablities allowing him to start over with a refined process from an even younger age.


Family Ties

Year of Birth
3182 837 Years old
squinty grey eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • elven
  • common
  • celestial
  • primordial