Tiefling Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Tieflings are feared or hated by the majority of the citizens of Glawveria. They come about primarily in two distinct ways. When a mortal makes a pact with a devil then typically 3-4 generations down the line the suppression of devil energies wares off and children are born as tieflings. Or the second option is when a humanoid spends to much time around objects or creatures from the hells and begin taking on tiefling features.   In a age of information control and suppression neither of these methods are common knowledge. Leading to tieflings being feared and viewed with suspicion. Being seen as inherently evil creatures in reality they have no inherent leaning towards good or evil.


Major language groups and dialects


Beauty Ideals

The ideas of what is or isn't appealing to each tiefling varies on the culture they are raised in. However most lean towards decorations of their horns or tails. Along with whatever other are common among their own culture.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken



ability score increase: Intelligence +1 charisma +2
age: 120
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, infernal
race features:
Hellish resistance:
Resistance to fire damage
Infernal legacy:
You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. When you reach 3rd level you can cast Hellish rebuke as a second level spell once with this trait and regain this ability after a long rest. At 5th level you can cast darkness once with this trait per long rest. Charisma is your spell casting modifier for these spells


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