Valis Riser Monastary Settlement in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Valis Riser Monastary

Named after Grand Master Valis (Phenex) Riser. Who came to prominence during the first crusade on Thassilon had the monastary built in honor of Anu. He had planed to retire and become a preacher after becoming to old to lead the Bearers of Laws Spear however the quiet life didn't suit him as he hoped and he began instructing his successors on its grounds. Becoming a tradition in the order in the centuries since it has been expanded and has become an honored school for training paladins, priests, and soldiers dedicated to the primordial of law.


Battle Academy

The centuries after the fortresses importance has grown as each grandmaster has taken it as their home. Eventually the surrounding countryside had multiple other fortresses built to train the armies of the order. The largest castles became referred to as siege school, Griffins nest, tower of vigilance, and battle school. Each one with its own standing garrison in addition to the trainees.  

Siege school

A fortress built for teaching how to properly defend and siege a fortified location.  

Tower of vigilance 

Where inquisitors begin their training any can volunteer for entry to the fortress but few applicants are accepted. If they survive the brutal courses within they can either move back into standard courses fast tracked for command. Or they move off to a secret location to finish training becoming true inquisitors.  

Battle school

The basic training for all recruits in the region. Combat basic survival and the laws of the land are drilled into all who attend. Boasting the most diverse facilities including fake villages crowded city alleys woods and many more. Ensuring where ever they get sent any member of Bearers of Laws Spear can bring the light and purity of law regardless of where they fight.    

Griffins nest

A tower built onto the main monastery that teaches aerial combat techniques.  

Valis city

While the monastery itself and the surrounding castles all have their own walls they are also connected by a outer wall. The sheer scale of the area means that eventually a city sprung up outside its walls.
Alternative Name(s)
Phenex citadel
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