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Vamir Vanhorn

Vamir Vanhorn (a.k.a. Numbers, number buddy)

Coming from the illustrious Vanhorn family of ranchers. Vamir was born as a Tiefling to Elven parents. Trying to keep this secret Vamir was very sheltered growing up and lacks many social skills and has difficulty speaking to anybody.   Shortly after his 17th birthday Vamir snuck out to celebrate at a tavern in a nearby village. And was approached by a Lizardman named Crackathum seeking local information for his work as a tax and debt collector. After speaking all night Crackathum hired and took Vamir with him to handle the money and any correspondence required while he was the muscle. Soon after they where joined by a Human named Horus a haunted veteran who joined the duo for his own reasons. However he quickly became the parties voice of reason when non violent means where preferred.

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Horns that appear to be made of onyx
  • Legs with inverted knees ending in taloned feet
  • Polished ruby scales along his chin, jawline, shoulder blades, forearms, thighs, shins.
  • Tall wirey frame
  • Silky red skin
  • Black and gold eyes
  • Prehensile forked tail

Facial Features

  • Polished ruby red scales along his jawline and chin.
  • Sliver hair
  • Horns made of onyx with a inlaid spiral going up them frequently decorated with golden thread.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Sleeveless leather vest with fur lining
  • Mithril breastplate, shoulder and thigh plates.
  • Leather and fur forearm wrappings.
  • Mithril gauntlets
  • Keen +1 scimitar
  • Leather wrappings binding his talented feet together to appear as normal feet.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has met and got to pet a unicorn

Mental Trauma

A near death experience being frozen by a hag

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
Rat on a stick Heavy drinking
Seeing new creatures Social settings
Travel hags
His job with his friends theater
Date of Birth
17th of Hearthfire, 4027
Year of Birth
4027 -8 Years old
Black scalra with golden irises
Short messy silver hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silky red with polished scales along his forearms and jawline
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, infernal,