Voice of Nature Organization in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Voice of Nature


The Voice of Nature was responsible for the welfare of the lives and the hearts of the people. They maintained farms and nature while in the cities they controlled the creative hearts of the population. Using open air theaters, creating public parks filled with statues and sculptures.  

Druids, bards, & monks

Depending on where you are will change what kind of members of the Voice are the most common. In towns and cities bards would be the most common. Out in the forests or plains you'll find Druids living along with and preserving nature. And even out in baren mountains and tundra to the north you'll find them living as monks honing their bodies and minds free of distractions.  

The heart of the people

Any town that has a permanent host of the Voice of Nature tends to be all the better for it. Put in the farmlands they oversaw harvest festivals and other celebrations over the year. In larger towns or cities they open theaters or perform publically in open spaces. Or painting murals across other wise blank buildings. In the densest or largest cities. They create hanging gardens or cover roof tops to bring nature back to urban settings.  

After the year of abandonment

The Voice saw one of the largest changes in mentality after losing their connection totNairobi becoming militaristic and violent they saw that civilization was a blight and to save everyone the only option was too destroy it and allow nature to reclaim the world then live along side of it in harmony. Then the Primordiasl would return and Nairobi would be at her rightful place leading them all.  

The battle cry of nature

Taking extreme action they made a proclamation that all the residents of then the second largest metropolis in the world Volk Aslaeshire needed to evacuate so nature could reclaim the land. They where met with laughter. However three days later a massive tree reaching into the clouds burst from the ground destroying most of the city. Over the next month survivors died to the extreme plant life. When the massacre finally ended the Voice of Nature moved in reclaiming the city as their new base of operations
Religious, Druidic Circle
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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