Yako Kitsune Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Yako Kitsune

Yako Kitsune are your average kitsune. They are the balance between the nogitsune and zenko kitsune. They are more skilled using their words than their other brethren. Due to that they are more malleable in alignment than the Nogitsune and Zenko kitsune. Some Yako kitsune rather live a peaceful honest life in the hope of being accepted by other races. Others prefer to live in their human guise and hope they go unnoticed.
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Yako Kitsune

The most common among the kitsune 
ability score increase: Dex+1 chr+1
age: 3000
Size: Medium
Languages: Common, sylvan
race features:


  Due to hunting at night you have superior vision in the dark. You can see dim light within 30 feet of you as bright light and in darkness as if it was in dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.  

Natural Weapon

  In your natural form you gain a bite attack that does 1d4 piercing damage. This ability is strength based.  

Kitsune Shapeshift

  As an action, you can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. You always take this form when you use this ability. You cannot use your bite attack in human form. In order for anyone to see your true nature, they have to succeed on an Investigation check with a DC 8 + your Deception modifier.  

Kitsune Magic

  Due to either extra life-force energy or a blessing from Inari you have an innate spell casting ability. The kitsune's spellcasting ability is Charisma and you can cast dancing lights at will.  


  Your race is much more flexible than others. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics.  

Befuddling Words

  You use your kitsune magic to confuse your targets with lies and half truths. You know the vicious mockery using the same spellcasting ability as the Kitsune magic feature. Instead of insulting the enemy as part of the spell description, you can use riddles and lies.  

Silver Tounge

  You are naturally gifted to use your cunning words to affect peoples moods. Yako kitsune can deceive and persuade better than the average human. You gain proficiency in deception or persuasion.


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