
Adherwich is a citystate located on the southern edge of the Burning Expanse in a small region of incredibly fertile land amid the arid shrub and desert landscape. The people there are generally merry folks who live among a bubble of greenery in the desert. The heritage of the city-state causes Adherwich to be one of the only nations who have held to the ideals of draconic gods and the worship and reverance of dragons.  


Despite the region around this small nation being made up primarily of arid desert and shrubland, the lands around the city of Adherwich are lush, green, and temperate with rolling hills of grassland and a small mountain where the city is built. The daily rainfalls that shower the city-state have formed a river and small lakes from which it runs out and into the Kesmili River.

Demography and Population

The population of Adherwich is mostly human with a decent amount of dwarves and halflings, a small population of half-elves, tieflings, and orcs, and the occasional gnome, elf, and other ancestry.

Technological Level

The city-state of Adherwich, despite its seeming isolated location, has kept up rather well with the times and has even learned to adapt other country's technology to better suit their own industry and military.
Most of this is due to the wide net that Adherwich casts in searching for trade partners.


While the currency of the realm is synonomous with the currency of Adherwich, the Golden Mint of Adherwich forms their own coins that have made thier way into neighboring kingdoms and beyond through international trade. Thier teardrop shaped coins emblazoned with the dragon crest of Adherwich are meant to symbolize scales. While most nations have little issue with accepting other currency so long as they remain within the same weight as a standard gold coin, the Aestaran Empire and Valistria have been known to either deny or work to melt down and remint any of the coins that make it into their lands.


Since the city's founding, the people of Adherwich have been drawn to the ideals of the dragons that blessed their lands, and with them the religion of the draconic scions and their celestial brood. The most widely worshiped god is Marduk - also known in some cultures as Bahamut - and his celestial dragons followed by Jalkain and Kulminen. The worship of Tiamat is not outlawed, but is frowned upon.

Foreign Relations

Adherwich keeps close ties through trade with all of its neighbors and beyond. They're net seems to be thrown as wide as possible to all corners they can reach. They have even gained an alliance with one or two of the Principalities of Rucinaranye, and most of the city-states of the Grim Borderlands. They have the occasional fued with the marauding tribes of the Scorched Savanna south of them, and disagree with the means by which Torvica rules its people, but remain courtious in trade negotiations with the hellknight fortress.


The Cardinal Institute provides free public school to the denizens of the city. A small college provides study for those with a desire for extended education. Those who can afford may send thier children to the college in Zarrath.


A complex system of aqueducts and sewers built and maintained over the time of the city's establishment keeps the streets clean and the denizens clean and healthy.
The roads are built like a wheel with the castle in the center, simple to navigate after a short time in the city.
Two large walls surround the entirety of the main city and the innermost district where the royal family, national bank, titled keeps, and other major infrustructure is kept. The watchtowers along those walls double as government and utility offices.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Gems
  • Meats
  • Rice
  • Steel Tools, Weapons and Armor
  • Metalcrafts
  • Foods and Spices
Major Imports
  • Dyes
  • Seafood
  • Coal
  • Cloth
  • Silk
  • Oil
  • Spices
  • Alcohols
Official State Religion

Cover image: Blue Rose Adventurers Guide Artwork
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