Chapter of Blood Knights

The Chapter of Blood Knights are the most acclaimed knightly chapter under the umbrella of the Claret Covenant. Their sole duty is to protect the holy city of Zeitaresti, the Pontifex, the Pontiffs, and anyone the Pontifex orders them to protect. This order was formed relatively recently, within the last two centuries, but holds many parallels to the knights that once defended the throne in the time when a King-Consort sat the throne. Though well known, this chapter's capabilities are mostly rumor since they are rarely necessary to be put to use. It is said if you are witnessing the strength of a Blood Knight, your own prospects not promising.



Though they hold great weight, the chapter numbers less than a hundred members, some even estimate the total is closer to half that number.


Blood Knights are easy to distinguish from other knights due to their specially crafted armor and weapons. The plate armor all blood knights wear is a dull red with a long white or grey cloak often stained with red at the bottom. Each suit of armor and weapon is made specially for the knight who donns it, as is each weapon. The armor and weapons are both blessed by the Pontifex and said to be enchanted.


Knights of this chapter are taught to wield the power of the Queen and the Pontifex to defend their charge. This training grants them vampiric powers over blood as well as supernatural strength, speed and even - it is rumored - the ability to alter their form.



The Blood Knights have authority granted by the Pontifex over all other Covenant-based chapters of knights as well as the army of the holy city. In this regard they often act as commanders for lesser chapters of knights and guards, but remain beside their charge at all times.


Recruitment into the Blood Knight Chapter requires proven skill, experience, and undying loyalty to the Queen and her Covenant. The Knights do not hold trials or accept requests to test for the chapter. If someone is to be recruited, it is done on an individual level. Even then, the process to become a Blood Knight is grueling and few succeed in the process.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by
A Blood Knight with their vampire bat familiar.


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Aug 22, 2024 02:27 by Marjorie Ariel

I suspect they are rarely put to use because their reputation preceeds them.