
Less a title than a position of unique employment. Due to the expensive and specialized nature of magical items, materials, and otherwise, few people who attempt to go into such a business can make a living off it for long or must focus on small, less expensive items in addition to other products to make a steady profit. The few successful magic item merchants who are successful are known as "Curators". These individuals or groups of individuals tend to work with influential people and organizations to provide magical equipment, materials, supplies and more at their request. As a result, their "shop" is treated more as a private club or membership for those whose needs can be met with a sense of trust and confidentiality. Some are artificers and enchanters themselves, but many focus on the buying and selling of magic.


Acquisition, transfer and trade of valuable magical items, materials, components, and services.


Most who succeed at becoming curators are wealthy - both materially and monetarily - and gain ties to influential organizations and individuals they choose to serve.
Magical, Professional
Form of Address
"Curator" or their name.
Alternative Naming
Broker, Collector


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