Knights of the Imperishable Flame

The Knights of the Imperishable Flame, also known as the Knights of the Flame or the Knights of the Sword, are a group of people who wield one of a dozen known sacred swords known as the Swords of the Flame that are said to hold a spark of the Eternal Fire within them.  


The Knights are a force for good and order that strive to keep the balance against the forces of evil and chaos. Whenever something truly evil occurs, a Knight is likely not far behind.
  The Knights are unlike most orders of knights as they do not serve a lord and they do not actively recruit, instead a Knight is chosen by one of the swords. The exact prerequisite qualifications for being chosen are unknown, but each sword has a quality it seems to look for in a wielder, even if only briefly.
  The purpose of the Knights is to combat the threat of Outsiders, creatures from the Void, and those who serve them as well as demons and daemonkind, although the Knights have also taken it upon themselves to cleanse and redeem those who have fallen to the corruption of a group known as the Order of the Blackened Scarab, a group of bound fallen celestials who make host of mortals.


The Knights tend to ascribe to an uncommon religion, though one that appears from time to time in pockets of the world. They believe in an entity they call the Light or the Flame, often referred by scholars as the Flame Imperishable or the Secret Fire, but instead of believing it as simply a source of energy, they see it as an entity, or the remaining power of an entity that is greater than any of the gods, a creator who's essence resides in all creatures and all things and desires above all else order and peace. They work to create this world their god desires no matter the cost.

The Swords of the Flame

The Swords of the Flame are ancient weapons forged centuries, or perhaps millennia, ago. They are said to hold within them a spark of the Eternal Fire and have a desire to promote a specific virtue, a virtue for which they are known by to the Knights. It is said that if ever a sword is wielded by one it has chosen to grant it's power to in opposition of it's purpose, the sword will shatter.   The swords have been known by many names. Some have been taken up by great kings or lords who have led great armies against the darkness in crusades of faith to the Light. Some of the swords have been reforged and changed in appearance, but they always retain their purpose and abilities.
Purpose: Promotion of Good and Order. Destruction of Outsiders. Redemption of the Fallen and their hosts.   Members: Unknown
Religious, Holy Order


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