
The Inexorable, Seraph of Death

Seraph Ležimir was the cunning, unyielding blade of the Red Queen. While Vaska led the coup against the elven imperator, Ležimir is said to have delivered the killing blow and carved the heart of the imperator out of his chest to deliver to the Queen themselves. For their skill and dedication they were granted her favor and over the many years that followed would rise to one of the most trusted of her followers. Little is known of their actions during the hundred-year War of Setting Suns, but they were said to be instrumental in leading covert strikes on elven encampments, castles, and homes. With their few chosen associates, they struck mighty blows to the leadership and support of the elven civilization that had foolishly called Trandrafia their home.
  Now ascended, Seraph Ležimir is the embodiment of the power the Queen holds over death within the religion of the Claret Covenant. They are personification of the aspect of the Red Queen that promises that all lives will eventually end, all things will fade, and all will decay and rot by Her will. As such, Ležimir is also the seraph associated with the delay of death - though not with the giving of life or an afterlife like other cultures - for a thing can rot and decay without dying should the Red Queen demand it, and Ležimir is obliged to follow Her command.

Death's Harvest

In the time before their ascension, Lezimir led a small, elite group of assassins who sought out enemies of the Queen and dispatched them with terrifying efficiency. Following their ascension, their compatriots continued their mission, led by the words of the king-consort and their leader's creed. These assassins became a preventative measure against uprisings and invasions, rumored to sometimes have been sent beyond the borders to neighboring lands to dispatch threats before they became relevant. However, they also became a force against the stagnation of the leadership of Trandrafia. When a noble family's leader refused to step down or outlived their time upon their throne, the final act to ensure they vacated their seat would be bloody, swift, and at the judgement of the King-Consort through whom the Queen spoke.
Unfortunately, this small group of loyal assassins became one of the first targets that would be eliminated and scattered when the rebel nobles rose up against the newly titled "Pallid King" the King-Consort became. Some believe that those who lived on still retained their blessed blades and shadow-bound cloaks to pass down the creed of the Seraph in secret. Following the fall of the Pallid King, other factions would rise in their place, taking a different approach to the study of Ležimir's teachings and the nature of death that the Queen controls.
Divine Classification
Seraph (Saint)


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