
"The stars will rain from the sky before Mab fulfills not her word." - Mab

Queen Mab (a.k.a. Queen of Air and Darkness)

Mab is the Winter Queen of Faerie. She is one of the oldest and most powerful beings in all of Faerie challenged only by her sister Titania, Queen of the Summer Court. She is cold and calculating, beautiful beyond words yet more dangerous than can be imagined. She embodies all aspects of the season of Winter, the good and the bad. She rules her court from a grand ice fortress of Osto Nixe, the Frozen Citadel. She is also the author and final judge of the aspects of the Unseelie Accords

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Looking upon the Queen of Air and Darkness gives the distinct feeling of looking across a snowy hillside with the sun shining upon it while a storm churns all around in the near distance threatening to swallow up the land in cold and death.
She is pale as snow with blood red lips and silver-white hair that glistens like ice. Her nails are sharp and glisten like diamonds and her eyes are like pools of darkness regardless of their pale blue color.

Special abilities

Outside of her power over Winter and all that comes with it, Mab's power known above all is her mastery of magic. Her control of magic of all forms leads her to be most feared when she enters battle, those few times she has.
As the Queen of Winter, she brings Winter everywhere she goes. Those few times she has stepped within the Mortal World, blizzards and sub-zero tempertures have followed for miles around regardless of region or season.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The history of Queen Mab is less well known that that of her counterpart, Titania. She is said to have been created or formed from Faerie near its inception alongside Titania. With her sister beside her she led armies against invaders during the Dawn Age, and against the Fomor when they sought to conquer Faerie for themselves. However, these were the few times Mab and Titania would be seen together. Though in those times their attitude towards oneanother was said to be much kinder, their differences seperated them as the ages wore on.
Queen Mab formed the court of Winter, the antithesis of her sister Titania's court of Summer, and has ruled over it since its creation alongside the Lady of Winter and the Mother of Winter.
Recent History
In the year 846 MOR, Mab made a deal with a group of adventurers who had released an old enemy of hers from the Mortal Plane. They successfully bound a scarlet vampire lord and his thralls to her service. Lord Einar the Bloodless remains bound to Mab until his usefulness has expired or she grows tired of him.

Morality & Philosophy

As with many of the Winter fey, Mab's morality is skewed toward the right of the strong over the weak, the survival of the fittest, and an ends over means mentality. She is both gracious and vicious, two aspects that can occur within the same breath.
Those who cross Mab will learn just how terrifying the cold of winter can be, and just how helpless they are to stand against it.

Personality Characteristics


  • The growth and continuation of the Winter Court.
  • The balance between Summer and Winter Courts.
  • The Unseelie Accords
  • Show spoiler
    The defeat of the invading Outsiders at the Outer Gate.


Contacts & Relations


Mab is the sister of Titania as well as her rival. Though it is believed that in their shared beginings they were close, their opposing views eventually led to a rift in their relationship, with each of them forming their own court. Mab holds no ill will toward her sister, however this has much to do with her own views regarding the sustained balance between Summer and Winter. She knows Titania has grown to loath her, and she works against her at every oportunity, but hate is not something she expresses outwardly toward the leader of the Summer fey.


Loathed by Mab on a good day, the King of Winter has earned her begrudging respect. Though he rarely graces her halls, his presence is tolerated on occasion. The tradition of Winter Solstice gift giving began with Keskivaldi, and has become an obligation of Winter's members. Even Mab herself has been known to gift her Knight and close subjects on this day.

Mother Cryptcleaver

Once known by another name, Mother Cryptcleaver was once a powerful fey queen who held power over covens of hags in Faerie. Her mastery of magic was said to only be rivaled by the Queen of Air and Darkness herself. For milennia Mother Cryptcleaver kept council with Mab as a loyal member of the Winter Court, but when she sought to use her closeness with Mab to usurp power, Mab's retribution upon her dear friend was unfathomable. Though she survived, the time Mother Cryptcleaver was held within Mab's dungeons was grueling and significant. She would later be stripped of her power and banished to the Mortal World to rot away. However, she was found by a group of adventurers in star elf ruins in Binordheim and managed to make a deal with them that gave her access to Faerie outside of the control of either Queen. Her whereabouts are unknown, but neither have forgotten their hatred for each other.  

The Prince of Frost

The Wyldfae known as the Prince of Frost has been speculated to be many things. Some believe them to be a child of Mab, a former spouse of Mab, an aspect of her power given form, or - most humorously - a rival set to overthrow her. The Prince of Frost is a powerful fey, but their relationship is not so interesting. While the Prince of Frost does draw some fey to them and associate themself with much of what Mab does, their relationship has not grown to be hostile. The Prince of Frost has been offered a seat in Winter as a lord, but has declined at every turn, ultimately uninterested in both leading and being led.

The Moonlight King

The Moonlight King was believed to be at one time a consort to Queen Mab. Most likely he was an aspiring consort to the Queen. It is said that he was a powerful and regal fey in his time, but displeased Mab. After Mab was done with him, his mind was in tatters and his power was erratic and draining. His last known location was somewhere on the edge of Faerie, secluded in a tower fo moonlight, going further and further insane. Few have since attempted to court the Queen of Winter, if only due to the extreme toll it may take on one's lifespan.
Divine Classification
Noble Sidhe
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Winter Queen
Queen of Air and Darkness
Queen of Night and Magic
Circumstances of Birth
Created or formed from Faerie itself.
Cold blue; cat-slit pupils
Long and White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, almost white
Ruled Locations

Pantheon: Noble Sidhe
Title(s): Queen of Air and Darkness, Winter Queen
Symbol: A snowflake of ice or crystal
Adjective: Winter Court
Realm: Faerie
Alignment: Lawful
Areas of Concern: Winter, Balance, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Justice, Truth, Logic, Ruthlessness, Wrath
Worshipers: Winter Fey, druids, frost giants, rangers
Domains: War, Arcana, Knowledge, Tempest (Winter variation), Nature
Favored Weapon: Whip
Sacred Animal: Winter Wolves
Sacred Monster: Malks
Sacred Colors: White and Sky Blue
by peter oedekoven
Osto Nixe


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