
Forge Father

Nabashakh is the god and creator of the dwarves.   He is commonly equated with the Aestaran god Örd which the dwarves dismiss as either untrue or a gross misrepresentation of their god.   Nabashakh's realm of Nidavellir, also known as the Dark World, the Creation Forge, Afel'Olam, or Dwarfhome, is a massive, spherical megastructure that is said to encompass a spark of the Eternal Fire. It is a place of eternal creation. Here the souls of dwarves go to live with and work alongside their god. Here, according to the dwarves, Nabashakh takes the souls of his creations and reforges them into more perfect beings using the spark of creation set at its center that fuels its forges before sending them back to the Material Plane. Those dwarves who have proven themselves in life are awarded permanent residence in their creators halls and are granted the title of Paragon. Here the greatest works known to both mortal and god are formed. From the very weapons wielded by the gods to the prisons that bind them, and here is the only place in the universe where Godsteel can be found or forged.

Tenets of Faith

Create. Nabashakh is the father of the dwarven race. Honor him by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stoneworking, and other tasks.
Temper Yourself. Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life.
Build On What Is.
Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats.
Honor Your Elders.
Honor your clan leaders, ancestors, and paragons as you would honor Nabashakh, and look to them for guidance.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

When Nabashakh manifests in physical form it is generally as a stern, bulky, muscular male humanoid with black-grey metallic skin, musculature outlined in a bright light that seems to burn from the inside like an internal forge. His eyes burn with bright divine light and his long hair and (glorious) beard is made of fine hairs of precious metals held in rings of gems.


On the rare occasion when Nabashakh decides to manifest in some form or another, be it an avatar or vision, or intercede in some way, identifying features tend to be fiery eyes, skin like stone or metal, dripping molten metal, or immunity to flame.
Divine Classification
Divine God
Aliases / Interpretations:
Örd (Aestaran Empire)
Ivaldi (Binorðheim )


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