Neslaima, Sweet Indigo

A flowering plant originating in Tol'Galen and parts of Calenard. It is used primarily to smoke in pipes.  
OOC: For reference, the appearance of Sweet indigo is similar to the RW flower False Indigo and has an effect similar to tobacco or a weak cannabis.


Material Characteristics

Sweet Indigo is a long stemmed flowering plant that has long, tear shaped leaves and several small flowers along the upper half of the stem that bloom quickly but last only a short while.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The leaves of Sweet Indigo have chemicals that when smoked cause, in most cases, a soothing feeling.
"This herb gives patience, to listen to error without anger."

History & Usage


Halflings are the first people known to grow the plant and use it. After the elves overwhelmed the halfling settlements during the expansions of their various kingdoms, the use of the plant became no less common, though many elves found the plant useless or detrimental believing it dulled the mind. Instead they used it as incense for its pleasant scent and allowed their slaves to smoke it, finding it made them more malleable.

Everyday use

Smoking in pipes.

Cultural Significance and Usage

In most cultures, this or something similar is commonly used in pipes, but there are those who don't approve - either as individuals or cultures - because they believe it addles the mind.
"Your love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind."


Continued, regular use can cause eventual health problems including memory impairment, breathing difficulty, and


Trade & Market

Halflings of Tol'Galen and some Calen farmers grow and sell this plant. It is very popular and is traded just about everywhere.
Alternate Names: Halfling's Leaf, Soothing Leaf, Small Comfort, Pipe-weed
Pleasant, sweet
Varies. Commonly indigo, blue, and burgundy


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