Worldweaver Crier - 3/23/846

23rd of Rebirth 846 AoM - Gallitoft, Kynland

Ulfur’s First Assault Fails!

  Clan Ulfur’s first assault on Hrimvordr following the attacks from Sjaskaut and its surrounding lands once under the rule of their beloved jarl, Varg Amundson, who now feasts in the Great Hall of the gods. The assault on the border town of Hyltebruk began on the 14th of Rebirth and was met with the expected ferocity of the Bjorn. After a strong start to the assault, the Ulfur forces led by Snorri Hersir were forced to fall back before their losses grew too great. Meanwhile, Hyltebruk stands strong against the assault, enduring with seeming ease.

Black Throne Conspiracy!

  The Black Throne, the well respected mercenary organization residing primarily in Kynland, has succumbed to a loss of trust after an assault on their fortress of Svartborg caused a great uproar in the city of Gallitoft on the 22nd of Rebirth. Following an exciting bout in the arena amid an intense thundersnow, a massive amount of magical power was seen atop the cliff that holds their fortress. While the citizenry were led to safety by the guard, the members of the Black Throne, most which were in attendance at the arena were forced to assault their own fortress as monstrous creatures were unleashed from within their walls upon the city. The assault was bloody and ended in the deaths of many brave warriors both of the Black Throne and not, only to have the Black Throne's supposed elite skill beaten by a travelling group of adventurers. The same group that accompanied the clans to Sarendril and left together, possibly at the behest of the Norns themselves. These adventurers not only infiltrated the fort ahead of the Black Throne, but disrupted a diabolic ritual in motion as the Black Throne's own second worked alongside cultists of demoniacal powers utilizing a hidden source of evil from within the very monolith that stands in the courtyard of Svartborg to attempt to call forth evil from the depths of Nagrond itself. These heroes vanquished dozens of cultists and killed the traitorous Gorm, second in command of Svatborg, and the infernal creatures they served before the Black Throne could even breach their own gates. The toll that has been payed by the Black Throne's actions is great, and were it not for the actions of these heroes it is likely more death and destruction would have come about from the ill judgement of the once great mercenaries. One might even wonder whether the city of Gallitoft would be left standing at the end of the day.
Though ended, the event has seemingly caused a schism in the organization as several members have distanced themselves from it in the aftermath. The events of the day and the sudden exodus of Black Throne members is followed by further dishonor with a confession by another high ranking member of his and several others' thievery and assault upon the citizens of Kynland in these trying times. This all begs more questions about what the fates have in store for the Throne. It is clear enough that the honor they claim to hold is nothing more than words, and with their members spread across the land to the north against the giant threat, and with the growing hostilities between Clan Ulfur and Bjorn likely calling on their aid, the fate of the Black Throne may well be in jeopardy and perhaps it's for the best.


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