Yahvaas (Yah-Vas)

“The Faith” is a small religion believed and taught by the people of Sharran. It is a belief in a monotheistic deity who created the universe. This deity is said to oppose a second entity of disorder and falsehood. The Yahvaana believe that all beings have been created by the former, Rakshan, and corrupted by the latter, Vinaash (a name which is never spoken, replaced by the moniker “Vikaar”). Rakshan protects the universe from chaos and disorder, but the more mortals give in to disorder, destruction, and chaos, the more their counterpart is strengthened.
Yahvaas believes that through a continual cycle of rebirth of a soul, can it become pure again. To do this a person must seek enlightenment through knowledge and experience, spread good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Those who achieve greater enlightenment are reborn as higher beings, closer to the Wise One Rakshan, eventually joining with him fully as he fights back the power of chaos.
Rakshan is neither All-Knowing (omniscient), nor All-Powerful (omnipotent), but they are omnipresent because a part of them was placed in all creatures. All life is sacred.

Mythology & Lore

Yahvaas believes in a dualistic set of supreme beings with a host of both good and evil minor beings who act as extensions of the supreme beings' wills. The idea of the supreme beings are that they are beyond the scope of mortals, and may not possess a personality or sentience recognizable to mortals. The lesser beings that represent these two supreme entities are widely believed by the Yavaana as being adopted by other cultures as gods, however rarely worship them themselves, preferring to revere them as a part of a greater divine whole.

Divine Origins

Yahvaas is made up of recovered beliefs that have been reconstructed from the Sharan people's former civilization that once lived in the lands of the Burning Expanse.

All is One, One is All. All shall rejoin with the One.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Faith


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