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As the Tieflings are to devils, so too are the rare specie of Abrunnir,  an abyssal mixture of Mortal and demon.   It was Demogorgon that, in his infinite paranoia, saw a threat in the Tieflings. The Devils had agents on the mortal plane, he reasoned, and so too should I. But he was unwilling to make this risk on his own, and so he convinced or commanded the other Demon Lords to reign in their cambion progeny, long enough to establish lines. He could not predict the mortals, however. Though the spawn produced from these lines exhibited gifts and potential on a similar level to tieflings, like tieflings they would not remain tame subjects of their Demonic forebears. Often born in cults, they would be rescued, or escape, or occur outside a designated line. And they would make choices. They would find morality.  


    Abgrunnir, Born from the Abyss, are as few and far between as tieflings. Similarly, they demonstrate signs of their heritage, ranging from tattered fur and yellowed eyes, to rows of sharp spines, and small nubs of horns on their brow. These marks can be as subtle as different colored irises, or as vulgar as full wings. They retain, however, the freedom of their mortal lineage to choose their path in life, and while many Abgrunnir inherite the pride and hungers of their Demonic blood, they are as likely to reject it as embrace it.   Demons are far more varied than devils, and so too will the Abgrunnirs appearance vary, acording to which demon lords bloodline they belong.

Racial traits

  Abgrunnir, while manifest in part of the ever-changing Abyss, have some traits in common.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom increases by 2.
Size: Your size is Medium. Abgrunnir range from lanky and unhealthily thin to massive and bulky. They tend to stand between 5’ and 8’, depending on their subrace. 
Speed: Your speed is 30ft. With your DMs permission, you can manifest wings and gain a flying speed equal to your movement. These wings are cleverly wrapped when not in use as to seem like a cloak, or be easily hidden beneath one.
Darkvision: You gain Darkvision out to 60ft. You can see in the infrared spectrum at night, with most things tinted red, and anything that produces heat flaring with a spectrum of color.
Abyssal Heritage: The ever-changing nature of the Abyss, and the chaotic bend of your heritage, has made you sensitive to the malleability of a deceptive mind, as well as the honesty of the physical body. You gain proficiency with Insight.
Languages: you can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.
  Subraces: Abgrunnir have adapted subraces in accordance to the Demon Lord that fostered their bloodline. Choose one from the following: Baphomet, Demagorgon, Fraz-Urbluu, Graz’zt, Juiblex, Orcus, Yeenoghu, or Zuggtmoy.

Baphomet - Your heritage is derived from the Horned King, the hunter and stalker of the Abyss. You may exhibit animalistic eyes or primal tendencies. You are, under whatever veneer you may deign to adopt, a hunter at heart.
Ability Score Increase: add 1 to your Dexterity.
Hunters Instinct: you gain proficiency with the Survival skill.
Hunters Choice: You gain proficiency with one martial weapon of your choice. Pack Tactics: When you are engaged in melee with a target, so long as an ally is within five feet of that target, you gain advantage on attack rolls against it.

Demogorgon - the instigator of the bloodlines, the twin-headed Prince of Demons is paranoid, seeing conspiracy and threat from all corners. Nothing will satisfy him save complete subjugation, followed by annihilation. He sees the betrayal of the bloodlines as proof of the inherent treachery of reality. Though his progeny are seldom as paranoid, they are nonetheless slow to trust and careful in their interactions. Often sporting irises of different colors, or pupils of different shapes, these progeny are the best at hiding within mortal populations.
Ability Score Increase: add one to Strength.
Abyssal Resistance: You are naturally resistant to charm effects. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and you cannot be magically put to sleep, though you require sleep as normal.
Two-Faced: You have two faces. Work with your DM to design two distinct physical personae, as well as a demonic trait they share in common (typically it's the eyes). As a bonus action, you can change from one “face” to the other.

Fraz-Urbluu - the Master of Deception is clever and secretive, weaving illusions and delusions like no other. His children have inherited some of his deceptive abilities, pulling natural magic from the stuff of the Abyss. Visually, Abgrunnir of this bloodline tend toward blue skin and sharp, angular features. Twin nubs of small, black horns often protrude from their brow, and their eyes tend to be pupilless.
Ability Score Increase: Add one to your Charisma.
Blood of the Deceiver: You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. At third level, you can cast Invisibility once per long rest using this trait. At 5th level you can cast Hypnotic Pattern once using this trait. Your spellcasting ability for this trait is Charisma.
You gain proficiency with Deception.

Juiblex - The Father of Oozes and Molds, Juiblex ignored Demogorgon’s dictate the longest, and would have indefinitely had not Fraz-Urbluu tricked him. Children of Juiblex are rare even among the Abgrunnir, and tend toward the dregs of society. Outcasts, freaks, and reviled, they are nonetheless strong and quietly proud of their work. With light green or blue skin, a faint sheen almost like sweat, pupilless eyes and spines rather than hair, these progeny are among the most visually identifiable of the bloodlines.
Ability Score Increase: add one to your Constitution.
Sticky Situation: Once per long rest, you can create a 20ft area of sticky ooze at a spot you can see. This area is considered difficult terrain.
Surprisingly Limber: You can squeeze your body through a space one size smaller than you without effort, and two sizes if treated as difficult terrain.

Graz’zt - Graz’zt is the Lord of Pleasure, and every vice or sensation is his to bestow. His children tend to engage in all kinds of pleasure, embracing them to a near-fanatical degree. Progeny of this line tend to sport a series of scars, tattoos, piercings, or other markings. Their nails tend to grow as stiff claws, and their pointed ears tend toward thick and long. While their skin tone tends to vary, they physically lean toward a tall, lithe physique, with oddly alluring eyes and cunning mouths.
Ability Score Increase: add one to Charisma.
High Pain Tolerance: Once per long rest, if you are hit with a critical, you can use your reaction to turn it into a normal hit.
Implements of Pain: You gain proficiency with whips, flails, and hand crossbows.  

Orcus - The Lord of the Dead wants nothing more than a silent eternity of void and decay. He commands a legion of undead thralls, yet finds no joy in their subjugation. They are objects to be wielded to silence all others. Like their forebear, progeny of this bloodline value quiet solitude, but are not beyond joining small communities or adventuring parties. They tend toward quiet contemplation, and death seldom affects them. Visually, they are tall and thin, almost emaciated, with lanky black hair and a row of small horns on their crown, as well as small ridges on their brow. They tend toward eyes of either milky white or deep black, with the sclera following suit.
  Ability Score Increase: add one to your Intelligence.
Blood of the Final Death: you know the Toll the Dead cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast the Bane spell once per long rest. At 5th level, you can cast the Speak With Dead spell once per long rest. Intelligence is your modifier for these spells.
Hard to Kill: Once per long rest, if you drop to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1 hit point.

Yeenoghu - the Beast of Butchery and the patron of Gnolls, Yeenoghu has a hunger that cannot be sated. Much like the progeny of Juiblex, the progeny of Yeenoghu tend to live on the outskirts of society. Their wild hair and beastial face frighten many who encounter them, though they have found an unexpected friend in the shifter community. Progeny of Yeenoghu tend to eat more than their cousins, and they are always willing to try new food. As a result, they tend to have stronger stomachs than their cousins. Their true power, however, comes from their surprisingly strong arms.
Ability Score Increase: add one to Strength.
Gnollkin: you are proficient in Gnoll.
Once per long rest, you can consume raw meat (from any source, including the freshly slain) to heal 1d4 hit points. At level 5, this increases to 1d6, and at 10 it increases to 1d8. Gnashing Teeth: You have incredibly sharp, pointed teeth.
Once per long rest, when you take the Attack action, you can use a bonus action to make a bite attack. On a hit, you deal 1d6 + STR piercing damage.

 Zuggtmoy - Much like Juiblex, the Demon Queen of Fungi had little interest in progeny. Her spores were children enough for her, creating thralls that enjoined her mind. Demogorgon fought long to keep his plans intact, and in the end put the threat of endless fire in Zuggtmoy, promising a future where her spores would be burned and sundered by hellfire. She allowed a small line to establish itself, and promptly ignored it. Much like a patch of mushrooms ignored, the line spread far and wide. Progeny of this bloodline tend toward muted, dusty skin tones with patterned spots covering their bodies in unique designs. Their hair tends to be disorganized mops, and beneath it are often found subtle fronds. Along their ribcage, small gills sometimes manifest. Abgunnir of this bloodline tend toward thoughtful silences, punctuated by profound insights. Though their appearance often mark them as unique, they become easily lost in a crowd.
Ability Score Increase: add one to your Intelligence.
Limited Psionics: You can speak psychically to a number of willing creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier, within 100ft of you.
Blood of the Fungal Queen: You know the Infestation cantrip. At 3rd level, you gain the Charm Person spell. At 5th level, you gain the Speak With Plants spell, but can only use it if some kind of fungi is present. You can cast these two spells once per long rest using this feature. Intelligence is your modifier for these spells.
Optional: If your DM allows you to use the Wings option presented earlier, you may instead switch the wings for gills. If you do so, you can breathe underwater and gain a swim speed equal to your movement.


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